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When will We Know?

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Damn i runed nacked around my house ...

and i tell ya that it took damn long to tell the police officers and the Dr. who where joining this little party that i am not some kind of nuts... (fortunatly the Policemens and the Psychatric where also computer strategiegame fans and after clearing it out we runned all nacked around the house, praying for SC and CMBB to be released, lol what a party... :cool: :Dtongue.gif )

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Originally posted by sheepshooter:

Hmmm - I think, Norse, you should at least respond to my apologies. Or do you think "I read it once, and no matter what that guy says, he is not worth talking to?" ;-}

Alright, thanks smile.gif I hadn't checked this thread for some time. Same to the other two who talked about Norway :D


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