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Tech Advances


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There has been many posts concerning the Tech aspect of the game. The randomness or luck factor that it brings to the game which is always hated by the one who is not getting the advances.

Here would be an easy way to solve it for those that wish. Set a limit on how high a tech can go. For instance, Set a limit on two. No tech, can advance past two. A player can put as many chits into a tech as he wishes, but when it reaches two he has to reclaim those chits out of that tech so it will not advance any higher.

This would cause players not to put 3-4 chits into any one tech knowing that if they get to level two jets they will have to pull those chits out of there and only get 50% of the value back.

It will also keep techs relatively even. Even if a player is behind he can catch up knowing the other player will not be able to advance any higher.

Just an idea.... Has anyone tried something like this before?

[ September 30, 2003, 09:03 AM: Message edited by: Curry ]

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These are good points..I guess I should impose a bit of self dicipline and withdraw my funds when I reach 2 or 3 tech levels....there are quite a few techs I haven't bothered with simply because I dumped all my funds in a select few and waited (usually in vain) for them to reach tech level 5..

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The problem with the self imposed discipline is that the other player may continue to try and advance that tech, and the next thing you know they have level 4 jets and you only have level 2. Then you have to re-invest those chits to keep-up. Its a great idea but really would only work with the players agreeing to limit the level(s) of advancement before the game starts.

Maybe in a later version (SC2?) the editor would allow the players to set the maximum level for each or all techs. Just a thought.

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