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Game Over


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Originally posted by Tactical:

[QB]Why does the game have to end at May 1946? :(


Beats me...whats worse is when you "sue for peace" or was it going to the "peace table"...or something equally wrong. I would have liked to see it through, to the last corp,..to the last MPP. I think of it as a penalty for not turning up the burners!
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Originally posted by Les the Sarge 9-1b:

Well when the heck do you expect to end? 1975?

The designer can only account for so much before it's time to say ok we have run past the time frame simulated.

Past a certain point, to many outside interests start to interfere with the European war.

Well...realistically,(hate that word), historically(,hate that word too) there is no way that war would have ended in a draw. I don't mind so much running out of time against the AI, but against a fellow Pbemer...I wish we could see it through.

I don't know what it takes to cap off the game as far as code and all that...

What would also be kind of interesting would be to turn on the red-skis and do the "Patton Scenario" where we, ( the good ol' USofA) push on to the Volga, stop communism in its tracks, free the eastern bloc from almost 50 years of bondage, and make the world safe for democracy!

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Originally posted by Les the Sarge 9-1b:

Well when the heck do you expect to end? 1975?

The designer can only account for so much before it's time to say ok we have run past the time frame simulated.

Past a certain point, to many outside interests start to interfere with the European war.

Well...realistically,(hate that word), historically(,hate that word too) there is no way that war would have ended in a draw. I don't mind so much running out of time against the AI, but against a fellow Pbemer...I wish we could see it through.

I don't know what it takes to cap off the game as far as code and all that...

What would also be kind of interesting would be to turn on the red-skis and do the "Patton Scenario" where we, ( the good ol' USofA) push on to the Volga, stop communism in its tracks, free the eastern bloc from almost 50 years of bondage, and make the world safe for democracy!

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