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CNN News Report on Z-League


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RAMBO RETIRES! Again. With little fanfare the former champ and SC superstar has stepped down from his quest for a fourth world title. Now both world champs, Rambo and Terif are out of the league. The World is waiting for a press release from Rambo himself.

KUNNI AND MASTURBATOR! Yes that is right, Kunni is back playing in the Z-League and defeats Masturbator! (thought it best to edit some of my puns..... to protect the innocent....)


(Just saw the above and thought we could use a little levity after what we have had on the board lately)

[ September 29, 2003, 06:16 PM: Message edited by: Curry ]

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Thanks, I take it as levity the way you do, but be prepared for much righteous indignation. In which case, I'll also be shocked, Shocked! that you would stoop to such levels.

I'm sure this guy Masturbator had a good reason for choosing that name, it probably means something different in a foreign tongue and we shouldn't go by it's English meaning. :D

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Now with Rambo and Terif gone we,Euros,expected you to go for the World title instead of playing some incompetent pervert.

( as a side note,the name that guy choose is quite normal since he's Swedish,Sweden is rather renowed in Europe for... well you know :D )

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Originally posted by Comrade Trapp:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Oh and JJ - you better not add any pictures to this thread either......... we dont want to get in any trouble with Moon...


You should have seen all the bad things Jersey was saying last night...... :eek:

Comrade Trapp </font>

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KUNNI SAYS Masturbator means man of God in swedish. what does it mean in your language?

Well, in that case Kunni, then I am sure you are one Big Masturbator.

Can't explain to you what the word means in English, perhaps Jersey can explain it to you. Jersey, we need your wisdom here to teach Kunni some basic English 101.

JJ: Great pic. Just where do you find all those.

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Curry, glad you enjoy the pictures, I have several search engines tied into my provider: Google, AltaVista, AskJeeves, AlltheWeb and LookSmart. I enter the name, location, key word, whatever is involved, then select images from the result. The photo above came originally from the key word lethargic I believe, I'm not sure because I have folders set up in the favorite areas and keep these things on file, using them over and over. This one first appeared in my first AAR Thread with Archibald where I was trying to remember where I'd put my courage.

I've just contacted a friend at the Nordic Linquistic Department of Oxford University. He says that there are indeed several vague dual meanings for Masturbator in offshoots of the Swedish Language. In one case Godhead was linked in an obscure reference to a different kind of head and this may have caused a little confusion here.

One of those wellsprings of Life sort of things, seeding of the ... well, you understand I'm sure.

[ September 29, 2003, 06:24 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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Jersey, Oh,,,,, that is too good. But not going there....

On a more news worthy note - Sir Rambo we are all waiting for the press release.

Perhaps Rambo is going to come back to the ranks of the PBEM folks and enter the PBEM league. Come on Rambo, the good thing about BMEM is you can play in your home court, your time zone. No more of this playing on the Euro's time.

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