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- No Tech level may reach more than Lvl 2 in ANY field, except Rockets. Industrial Tech may reach Lvl 4. After this level is reached, chits must be reclaimed.

Axis Rules:

- Germany is limited to 5 transports in Atlantic areas (everything west of Gib), and 1 in Med area. These include Axis Minors. Any direct tranporting (eg Kiel -> Oslo) are not included in these restrictions, only transports that stay at sea for 1 or more turns.

- Italy is restricted to 2 transports in Med at the same time.

note: Not only do these represent historical restrictions on respective countries' landing craft availability, they also counteract many controversial tactics.

- Axis may not invade Spain until 1943

- Vichy France may not be invaded until 1942

- Sweden may not be invaded until at war with Russia.

- Italy may not research AT (not even to L1)

- Malta may not be taken, only a forced evacuation and port damage (eg. losses too heavy for UK air/corps). Allies may elect to return.

- Axis may only land troops on UK soil in 1940/41. After this period, an occupation of Moscow is required to invade UK.

- Germany may only have maximum of 2 air units in Africa, and only 1 land unit (not incl. HQ). Italy is not restricted.

Allied Rules:


- No UK unit may be disbanded until 1940

- No Allied DOW on Spain is allowed. Portugal may be invaded by Allies only starting from 1943.

- LC/Italian Gambit not allowed by Allies.

- UK may only have 5 tranports at sea at one time (including transit through Suez)

- USSR may not advance more than 3 hexes into Finnish territory until 1943.

- USSR may only invade Sweden if it is Axis held.

- USSR may not invade Turkey until 1943

- USSR may not have more than 3 tranports in Baltic at one time. USSR may not have more than 3 tranports active in Black Sea at one time.

- No UK/US Armies or Air allowed on East Front.

- No USSR pieces allowed west of Suez Canal.


- USA is allowed unlimited tranports

- No other restrictions for USA, except Tech.

Bid rules are still undecided. 1:3:5 could be acceptable (eg bid of 150 = 150 UK : 450 USA : 750 USSR). Perhaps no bid. Comments?

These rules represent a more historical approach to WW2, and limit actions of players to historically 'acceptable' scenarios. Tech will still have an effect, but less so, with more realistism emphasized. Now you can only get so much higher than another country in tech, limiting some of the controversy.

I think games will be more realistic, more fun, and Axis will have (in general) more of an uphill fight, like it should be.

This is not a scenario, and should be played as the standard 39 campaign.

Anybody want to play a game with these rules? I would love to try them. I'm looking at you Terif/Zapp/Rambo/Kuni/Anyone

[ August 04, 2004, 09:31 AM: Message edited by: Avatar ]

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This would certainly be more of a challenge for the Axis. Everyone is always afraid to play something different, and for 2-3 years you all play the same 1939 scenario. Yeah, fun. Oh, and realistic. Yes, invade Sweden, Spain, Vichy, Middle East, Balkans, whole Europe. No, USA/USSR don't mind at all, at least not for another year. BORING, and it's always the same cookie-cutter strategy. Terif is a master at using little corps to run around and 'block' ships from escaping, and annoying you. I hate it, I think it's childish, but we all do it. We all run to get Jet +5 and LR +4. Super AT+4 Italian troops. Malta's useless (not so with these rules). Egypt is undefendable, UNDEFENDABLE. That's ridiculous! You should have had house rules like this a looooooong time ago. Tell me, which of these rules I made is 'not fair'? None of them. It just makes it that much harder for the axis, not impossible, but harder. The axis should be in a race against time, not the allies! But that's what every axis player does, try to conquer every little bit and then once we've gotten our mpp level past the allies, we like to waste time sitting around waiting for tech and hammering poor UK's little RAF into the ground. Very original. What SHOULD constitute a REAL victory is defeating russia on his home turf, while fending off/defeating major invasions by the western allies.

Bah, why do I waste my time. You're all too entrenched in the standard rules. I don't know about you, but the 'standard' rules stopped doing it for me after the 20th time of seeing the same repeated Axis moves. I hope SC2 addresses some of my concerns, but in case anybody wants to kill some time trying out these rules, i'm game.

[ August 04, 2004, 12:51 PM: Message edited by: Avatar ]

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Hey Avatar, I like the spirit of what you are trying to do. I agree that the game is very predictable, that's why most of my games are not the standard 39. I also find it a bit strange that everyone wants to play the same cookie cutter game all the time.

Observation: The 42 game does have the flavor you describe, epic battle in the east, defendable Egypt, useful Malta, low tech, and significant Allied landing threat.

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You have some good ideas and some good points.

You said,

You're all too entrenched in the standard rules
Most likely somewhat true, but not totally. Many have played with different options over time. For awhile a limit on air was very popular and many still play with that. For a few they played that you had to trigger the siberian transfer. Many play with some form of varient with tech. I am currently doing that now.

Please also understand it has taken time to get to this point. If you look in the past you will see that the bid has steadily changed as players have perfected the Axis strategy. Early bids were much much lower than what they are now. The Axis side has been perfected and no one has come up with an effective counter for the allies. I think that is why so many of us were interested in your allied strategy. Many of us that have played for some time have tried all kinds of ideas to help the allies. I think Terif's Spainish gambit came closest to helping the allies counter the axis "cookie cutter" but its just too hard to pull off.

So the best we can come up with is a large bid to even the playing field which has helped.

But again your ideas are all positive and I hope you will not only post them but play test them out and let me know. If you want to test them via email I would be glad to help you.

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