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Scorched Earth


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Have a suggestion for future developements of stratcomm: to be historically more accurate, German troops should be enabled to destroy all ressources also if retreating from bolshevistic territory. So when the red army re-occupies some city former occupied by Germany, the value should also immidiately change to zero - according to German engineers/pioneers who will leave nothing behind from what the enemy could take advantage - German troops on retreat in Russia had orders to follow strategy of "Verbrannte Erde" (burned earth).

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I've suggested this also, but from a different perspective. Rail conversion problems hindered the Russian advance westward just like they hindered the German advance to the east. So scorched earth should apply to all cities captured by the Russians, not just those in home country. Also, in games where Russia does turn and starts its steamroller advance toward Berlin, its economy grows by leaps and bounds. The western allies fight on a fixed income and the endgame usually has the Russian bear dominating Europe. So some way to slow down the late game growth of Russia is necessary, and scorched earth would work fine. It would also help slow down an aggressive Russia attacking Germany's flank in 41 or 42.

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Thats correct with the railway problem, didnt have that in mind but some upcoming AddOns should definately include this feature of killing value for conquered cities/mines/oil from Axis side. As you put it; otherwise Stalins hordes appear to drive into Greater Germany without having to deal with supply trouble.

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