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AAR BattleofFrance semifinals Curry Vs Yaggmoth


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Semifinals in the Battle of France.


Curry verses Kossuth (Curry wins)

Wehrmacht verses Alexander (Alexander wins)

Curry defeats Alexander


Yaggmoth verses Sanmayn (Yaggmoth wins)

Sandy verses Rannug (Runnug wins)

Yaggmoth defeats Rannug.

In this game of our two games its Yaggmoth as the dark tide or the Axis. Curry as the light and hope of the world as the Allies. Whoever gets to Paris first wins.


The Axis invades Poland and Denmark. Both Armor units remain to help destory Poland.

[ May 07, 2004, 06:44 PM: Message edited by: Curry ]

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Turn 3:(2nd as axis)

Poland surrender (wisely) after lose an army and warsaw corps ,obviosly they choose the better part of valour; no calvary agaist panzers in my history.

LC quickly take example of Poland and pledge at the LW.

Let´s hope France ,UK and Canada understand as fast from where the wind blows ,to avoid senseless waste of lives.

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OUCH!!!, I see what Rannug faced with those lucky dice rolls. A very bad start indeed for the allies.

They do manage to strike back and destroy the German Corps that was not in the line, but they are also now weaken and about to get hit hard.

The allies in a sad retreat


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Turn 5:

Regardless of the RN and the loss of a two pack of U-boats ;the german cruriers help in the destruction of Denmark corps ,sadly Copenhagen can not be taken this turn.

In the french front an a french army is heavily damaged with help of the LW ;who meet with the RAF in the skies without too much casualities.

Most armies have been mobiliced to the west under the command of Manstein.

BTW excuse my poor english ,I´m not a native ;at least not an english speaker one.

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Things looking bad for the allies, Denmark will fall next turn. Line holding on the western front but weakened. The only good news is both subs found, one sunk one heavily damaged.


I think I will go for a swim in the pool myself, since I live in southwest Florida any time is a good time for a swim and its getting hot. Perhaps it will take my mind away from this terrible start.

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Turn 7:

Copenhagen falls under my boot and Denmark surrender.

In french front an english corps face his final fate agaist the LW ,which too left at strength 1 a raider corps near LC .Full strength armies in all frontier.

Only one interception agaist the LW ,so Malta AF keep on holydays.

RN keep disturbing around Copenhagen.

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Turn 8:

Yes bleak days for the allies as the Axis march through the streets of Copenhagen.


The allies strike back using a new strategy just learned on the battlefront forum. They attack a German army and finish it off by landing an allied army from the coast. One German army down at least.

[ May 09, 2004, 08:48 PM: Message edited by: Curry ]

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The luck turns and the French lines holds. It survives a mighty German attack of Armies and Lufftwaffe with one French army at 1 and another French army at a 5. They survive to fight another day. The Allies dont counter attack but have to reinforce there weak lines.


[ May 10, 2004, 10:12 AM: Message edited by: Curry ]

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Turn 13:

Regardless the lost of another Army; the glorious Wermacht in perfect combination with the LW erase two corps and almost an army from the french front ;by fisrt time after almost a month our great leader start the morning giving away medals instead of kicks.

Another BB is sunk and another sub will be ordered (who can believe that) to clean the Baltic sea of the already battered RN.

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Turn 14 Allies:

I'm trying something new in this game and I think I like my old strategy better.

The allies again strike back and hit the German Armor that is out in front. Kill it. But our line is very weak and I dont think it can hold out much longer. If this were a real game I would be glad at the German units that I have killed off, but in the battle of France it doesnt hurt the German nearly as bad as it doesnt matter what he has left once Paris falls.

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Things look bad, my worst game so far in the tournament. Should have stuck to my usual strategy in defending France.

I pull the line back trying to hold out a few more turns.

Cry cry cry............... smile.gif

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Rambo, good idea

Allies move, surround Paris with the last of our troops. Brits stuck on the elbow hex with an army. Also Brits close to Copenhagen, but its too little too late. I held out until June. Maybe two more turns I hope.

Because in my game where I am allies I just got lucky and broke through along the coast as the allies didnt set up there line in good order. I think he thought I was going to break through the French Arden and instead broke through along the coast and now have reached Paris myself. All of a sudden I have gone from out of the match to a close match again.

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Turn 19:

After decimated the rests of the french army ,a Panzer group moving into Paris was repeled by Billote himself 8O

Oops the Italian army finally decide to show up and take Marsella AVANTI POPOLO!!

Turn 10: (Allies)

The coast trap work as a swiss watch and the Wermach face defeat losing an army and 2 corps ,having another corp surrounded.

Anyway Paris army lost part of his entrench ,let´s see if they can regain it in time.

[ May 14, 2004, 04:41 PM: Message edited by: Yaggmoth ]

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Paris will fall in the next turn for me as allies. Held out till July.

I resigned in the other game. Some incredible die rolls killed off my army and two corps and is too big of a set back to overcome.

Match to Yaggmoth who advances to finals.

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