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Why Not Convoy Disruption for Surface Ships?


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I just played a game where I concentrated solely on the Atlantic front. I took out Spain, Portugal, and Gibralter. During that process, I was able to move German and Italian surface ships into the Atlantic, along with several subs dispatched after France surrendered.

My question is, why weren't Allied MPPs deducted by the prescence of my surface ships? The Graf Spee, Bismark, and Prinz Eugen, etc., were all designed to hit merchant ships, which they did with fair success.

A side note. Not bad MPP plundering from Spain and Portugal, and a decent stream of MPPs also. Once Spain surrenders, the Germans were handed Algiers as a bonus.

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Were given Algerie as a bonus for taking Spain? I don't see what Spain hasto do with Algerie, as Algerie were a French colony. Spain is an axis minor ally anyway, if you attack Spain then you scare your other minor allies from joining you, and the US and USSR readyness percentage increases.

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It's not Algiers, it's Spanish Morocco - you might remember it from the news over an island in hte last couple of weeks.

None of hte ships mentioned were DESIGNED as surface raiders, although some of them did so.

Warships are unsuitable for the task - they are mainly intended to fight other warships and are armed and armoured accordingly. Often their mere existance means huge resources on he other side are tied up countering their potential withou having to risk anything.

They do not hide like Subs do, their armament is not as good for it as torpedoes are, they have to transit back to port on the surface and are highly visible as they do so.

And of course if you do get them in among troop convoys they DO cause massive damage!!

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Excuse me???

The Graff Spee WAS specifically designed AS a merchant raider. It had a Phenominal range and moderatly armoured. Its 11" guns were able to out gun any, crusiers that caught up with it and out run any battleships or BCs. You need to reread your history! :eek:

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Agree w/SSNEED. I remember reading accounts of tonnage sunk by Graf Spee, and it was impressive. The Captain of the Graf Spee was not supposed to engage British surface ships, which he did against advice of subordinate officers. He was ONLY supposed to raid merchant vessals.

As a result of poor tactical decisions, he lost the battle of River Platte, and eventually his ship.

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