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Three New Campaigns Available!

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1943 American Arsenal

for Strategic Command

by Narayan Sengupta

***** ***** ***** ***** *****


September, 2002

BETA version


American Arsenal is a hypothetical campaign based on a plausible situation. In this world gone mad, Germany's Operation Sealion invasion of England has defied all odds and actually worked. And then, even more stunning, Germany has just finished conquering off Russia, though at great cost. German units at the eastern cusp of the Ostfront are licking their wounds in the Urals around Sverdlovsk. And in the Pacific, the U.S., China, Australia and friends have managed to back the Japanese back to the mainland and settled up with them at the peace table.

So now it is a war mainly of two large superpowers, a harbinger of things to come a decade later in real life, albeit between two different superpowers.

The American Arsenal is growing by leaps and bounds. Already her Industrial Might is producing at full clip. The new B-17s, B-24s, B-25s are coming off of the production lines in record numbers. Her fighter squadrons are well equipped and fleshed out with long range P-38s, P-51s and P-47s. Five new Essex class carriers including the Essex, Intrepid and Ticonderoga, have been redeployed from the Pacific Theater. The Iowa, Wisconsin, Missouri and New Jersey have joined the four South Dakota class battleships to make a fast, hard punching, fearsome fleet. It will be up to America to liberate Europe. It will be up to you to decide how.

As the Germans, it is up to you to figure out how to defeat the small American armies that are guarded by a great force of naval and air power.

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Hi Guys,

I have added two new campaigns.

Also some more feedback/ideas to which I have added since posting above:


Is it possible to add destroyers that would destroy subs?

Forts would be another interesting unit class.

Do naval AA values increase when AA research improves? U.S. battleships, for example, should be far less vulnerable to air units than their other counterparts.

Is it possible to have more minor ports?

Is it possible for carriers not to take so much damage when attacking distant (or any) objectives?

Can strategic bomber naval attack values be weakened?

No one gets minor country points after England surrenders!

Also I would like it if spotting had some kind of random element, though that's probably not worth the programming time. But right now, if I am playing the Allies, for example, I always know where all of the U-boats in the Atlantic are.

Also the German AI never seems to build U-boats...

Allied submarines are useless, though they could have interfered with German commerce (such as if/when Germany captures the USA or Canada or England, etc.)



[ September 19, 2002, 06:34 PM: Message edited by: Narayan Sengupta ]

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The 1939 alternate history scenario was totally unbalanced. With all respect but what´s the fun about it?

You got any possibility of creating a scenario starting with Stalingrad pocket and operation Uranus october-november 1942? It would be fun to see if the germans can avoid the disasters at El Alamein and Stalingrad to remain the initiative.

For the US It will be time to go for operation torch, UK try to win africa and Russia fights for caucasus.

I would really love a historical accurate scenario in this theme.

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I went back and looked at it and didn't find it unbalanced. :confused: Please let me know what you feel is unbalanced so that I may either defend myself or rectify the matter or both! :D

The other two definitely do look unbalanced, but they aren't. :rolleyes: They are more like puzzles (not too hard, mind you) where the underdog Allied side has to overcome a very hard enemy. ;)



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