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SC2 - Research and the Editor


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We've pretty much been told that we will have a better editor. I would think at a minimum we will be allowed to edit the cost of units, as well as the statistics of units.

What I'd like to see is the ability to edit tech.

I'd like to be able to make the following changes:

1) The cost for chits

2) The % chance a chit is effective

3) The max level a tech can go to

4) The effectives of each increase in a tech

5) The % cost increase for a unit when it goes up in tech.

1) The cost for chits

Wouldn't it be great if we could change the cost of research for any tech. They may default at 250, but we could then change the cost for anti-aicraft research chits to 150 if we wanted. Increase jet research costs to 350. Mix and match.

2) The % chance a chit is effective

Do you want tech to advance quickly or slowly, you decide by chosing a higher or lower %. The default is 5% per chit, you should be able to change this to any % you want.

3) The max level a tech can go to

Think that level 5 jets are too powerful, then put a level 3 limit on all tech, or just limit jets and anti-tank to level 3, leaving everything else at level 5. Come up with any combo that is needed.

4) The effectives of each increase in a tech

Tech usually increases a units strength, plus one characteristic. Let us make each tech level either more or less effective. If bombers are not used enough, well then you could make each tech increase worth more. Increase the defense and attack rating, etc.

5) The % cost increase for a unit when it goes up in tech.

The ability to pick and choose which units should have cost increases and which units shouldn't as tech goes up would be a great addition. Having jet cost go up 15% or ship costs 5% with increases in tech would be optional choices with the editor.

Its a given that some of the current techs are more worthwhile than others. I know SC2 will try and balance some of these. By allowing us to edit tech, we can add even additional balancing to an already great game. This way if no one uses rockets or overuses jets in SC2, the editor can be used to alter what tech does to these units.

[ December 22, 2003, 01:25 PM: Message edited by: KDG ]

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I like the parts that are fully explained, but I think it would be better if you expressed these ideas in greater detail, they're a bit vague* to me as stated.

*I think I understand what you're saying, but it would avoid confusion to elaborate more fully.

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How about also being able to alter the increase in unit costs when they get teched up?

Right now no naval units nor bombers are affordable as soon as you reach 3+ tech levels, sometimes even much earlier then that.

I find it quite hard for the UK to buy more AF after the jet tech (and maybe LR) combined get around 4, the jets just get inaffordable for the UK, even though Axis can still pump out plenty of em.

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That's something a lot of us have been asking about for ages. The argument against it is that normally division size units or smaller were pulled from the line for a refit and infussion of replacements. Which is hard to accomplish when the land units are armies and corps -- it's difficult to figure just what the naval and air units represent. Air wings rather than Air Fleets? Task Forces rather than fleets or individual capital ships?

Yes, it is weird that two sub units cut off in the North Atlantic and out of supply are magically converted to the newest models while at sea! :D

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