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U S Production???


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Originally posted by SSNEED:

In 1944 the U.S. was producing more armaments than ALL of the AXIS and ALLIES combined.

In SC the U.S. is definately backseat to the brits??? :confused:

About the only area that this is true is in warships (not an area easily converted IRL to making other weapons).

In Field Arty and AT guns in 1944 the axis plus all the other allies made almost as much as the USA did in the entire war.

In 1944 they made more a/c than the USA.

In 1944 the USSR alone made more tanks/AFVs than the USA.

If you have figures for other classes of weapons it might be interesting if you post them.

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another advantage the Yanks have is that if you're patient you can work up their Industrial Tech quite easily - they don't have a lot of units to start so they don't need to constantly feed replacements for combat losses.

That 180 can easily become a lot more, and the Yanks can get to build a lot fo things that others only dream about.

The Ruskies have a huge front line to feed replacements into, and can often burn up 500 MPP's just in replacements a turn and STILL not be fully up to strength.

The Poms have to look after their Homeland with ground units, repair their fleet, defend Africa adn Malta and Gibralter and lose MPP's from Atlantic and Mediteranian Subs.

The Germans - well they have plenty to do!! lol

Oddly I think the Italians are about the closest to the Americans - they have no close-by military threat to use up MPPs, and once their production gets up to 150 or more they become quite powerful.

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Originally posted by Narayan Sengupta:


The US definitely produced more warships and more aircraft than anyone else.


I pointed out that the US produced more warships (however the vast majority of them went to the pacific where they would have no impact on this game).

The point was made that in 1944 the USA made more armaments than the axis, plus all the other allies - it is not correct.

The total a/c production for the axis (whole war) was 114,763 - USSR 146,445 - UK 119,876

The USA produced 283,230

(I can extract the a/c figures for 44, they show the same sort of thing).

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Originally posted by Mike:

another advantage the Yanks have is that if you're patient you can work up their Industrial Tech quite easily - they don't have a lot of units to start so they don't need to constantly feed replacements for combat losses.

That's not an advantage at all, the Germans can easily get 5 levels in industrial tech long before the US enters the war.
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