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Use of MPP's and Italian Gamit?

Heavy Junk

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I am fairly new to SC, and thouroghly enjoy it!

I have scanned some previous posts and am taking

the good advice (Terif) on British and American use of reasearch points- Brits-jet aircraft and long range..Americans-antitank and hvy tank research.

Any thoughts on Axis priorities in research?

I also saw referance to the Italian Gambit but havent seen anything that spells out what that strategy is.

I also got the impression it was considered a gamey ploy.

Any advice or thoughts would be apreciated. smile.gif


[ February 23, 2003, 11:26 AM: Message edited by: Heavy Junk ]

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Originally posted by Heavy Junk:

Any thoughts on Axis priorities in research?

I like Jet/long/Ind and then anti-tank.

Originally posted by Heavy Junk:

I also saw referance to the Italian Gambit but havent seen anything that spells out what that strategy is.

Lol post in the opponent finder forum and i'm sure someone will show it to you ;)

Originally posted by Heavy Junk:

I also got the impression it was considered a gamey ploy.

There are many gamey ploys some get more annoyed by this one because it cannot be initially countered.
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Your major focus in tech should be Jet Aircraft in my opinion. This goes for both Allies and Axis alike, in this game controling the skys means alot. I recently played a game against waltero where he used the RAF with +1 Jet tech to destroy my entire amry, my untis were already weak from heavy fighting in France and then his airforce finsihes them off. If you have the avaible mpps you might want to research Indesturial Tech with Italy, this would turn them into a strong ally. I hope this helps.

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I figure them as two groups, the 3 sea powers (UK, USA & Italy) and the 2 land powers (Germany & USSR) with France being too transient to fit in either.

The Land powers have no use for sonar and the sea powers have no need to build rockets, so they're down to nine areas each at start.

Regardless of who you're playing you need to research Jet and Industrial; let your adversary have better aircraft and you're sealing your own fate. Industrial because higher levels make a huge difference in the forces you're able to field.

Naval powers have a slightly greater need for long range aircraft as it directly affects carrier strength. But it's also a good area for land based so don't let it drop too far.

Anti-aircraft radar is a high priority, especially for Britain as it can't hold out without air parity.

Heavy Tank and Aniti-tank are of more immediate importance to the land powers than the sea powers.

Gun Laying radar is a good field for the Sea Powers to develop. Get a notch or two above your adversaries and naval battles become a forgone conclussion.

Sonar and Advanced subs depend upon the players. If you're the UK and the Germans are churning out U-boats you might want to research sonar. The flip side is the U-boat production (presumably at Bourdaux and Brest) is being done at the expense of land and air units he'll need in Russia). Aside from commerce raiding they can be very effective in keeping the U. S. bottled up. Generally speaking, I find these area to be a low priority unless my opposite numbers triggers a response. As the Allies, of course, you're earliest priority should be the sinking of those two German subs -- if you succeed in that most Germans drop further U-boats production later on.

Rockets are a luxury item. If you research it and attain L=3 they have limited effectiveness. When the reach L=5 they're a real weapon, though awkward to use and expensive and even then their value is questionable.

A tip by Immer Etwas in an earlier forum is also helpful, spread your research points around, maximum of two in any particular area. Three is the most that derives practical benefits and by spreading them you're likely to be the recipient of captured technology (reverse engineering from downed planes, captured guns and tanks, electronic analysis of enemy radar systems, etc..).

[ February 23, 2003, 03:20 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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Good resume JerseyJohn... smile.gif

IMHO, here are the research priorities for...



1) Industrial Technology - You need it to minimize the fact that you have less MPP than the Allies...

2) Jet Aircraft - The most powerful (too powerful) unit in the game... Always a race between Allies and Axis on this one...

3) Heavy Tank - USSR has a huge advantage on manpower, it can build a lot of Corps fast... You need strong units to counter this...

4) Anti-Tank Weaponry - same as #3

After that, choose which tech will give you the best for the situation:

- Advanced Subs

- Long Range Aircraft

- Rocket

- Anti-Aircraft Radar



Only one thing: Industrial Technology...

After that, just buy units...



1) Jet Aircraft - Same reasons as Germany...

2) Gun Laying Radar - Boost both battleships & cruisers...

3) Long Range Aircraft - Boost your carriers...

4) Industrial Technology - So you can afford your expensive things...

After that, choose which tech will give you the best for the situation:

- Heavy Bomber

- Anti-Aircraft Radar

- Sonar



1) Industrial Technology - Win the tech race against Germany on this one, and you'll pour more units than it can handle...

2) Anti-Tank Weaponry - Give your units (Corps especially) a better chance to survive Axis attacks...

3) Heavy Tank - So you can do what Germany did when 'Barbarossa' started... ;)

After that, choose which tech will give you the best for the situation:

- Jet Aircraft

- Anti-Aircraft Radar

- Rocket



1) Jet Aircraft - Same reasons as Germany...

2) Anti-Tank Weaponry - When "D-Day" arrives, you can't fall back... So it's good to have units that have a better chance to survive...

3) Industrial Technology - The more you can buy, the better...

After that, choose which tech will give you the best for the situation:

- Heavy Tank

- Heavy Bombers

- Gun Laying Radar

- Sonar



Don't bother... ;)

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