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Help With The Axis


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First let me say that I've been playing SC for about a month now and I love it. I've been an avid player of wargames for since about 1986, however, I've been unable to win even once while playing as the Axis powers! I'm currently playing on v 1.06. Can any of you who have been successful as the Axis post any strategic suggestions for playing as the Axis? I would appreciate it. Thanks.

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It would help if you provide some details on how you are losing....how long does it take you to defeat Poland?...the low countries?....France?...do you attack Russia first?....there are so many variables that it is hard to answer...give us some info on what you do, it would help...thanks

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Go to page 2 of this site and find a forum originated by SupremeAxis . I think it has 8 or 9 postings and is called Axis Strategies 101 -- Help!

It will jumpstart you right into the swing of things. If you have any further questions when you finish it you're best bet is to post them in that forum as it will bring it back here (top of the list) with all it's considerable existing material and others will add to it. That's better than having more ideas scattered all over the place, which is how it's done currently.

Welcome aboard.

[ December 30, 2002, 08:00 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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The AI in SC isn't perfect, but it's very good. Besides being a challenging opponent for solo play, it is also a useful instructor. Play as Allies and study how the Axis AI works, in different scenarios. Check off the option where you can change settings during a game, that way you can turn FOW on/off and see what the AI is doing. Where is it getting research tech advances? How many air fleets and tank groups and HQs is it building? That's what you're looking for. Then mimic what the AI does, starting on Green/Novice and working up to Beginner/Intermediate. Once you are comfortable with a basic winning strategy, step it up to something more challenging and try variations. Finally, play someone else via PBEM or TCP/IP for a real challenge. That provides a whole different experience. Good luck.

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The AI does so bizarre stuff on occasion. In a recent game where the AI was the axis it built a strategic bomber unit, parked it in france and never used it.

What up with that?

Also I noticed it goes nuts with one kind of unit with it's french plunder. Some games it builds as many armour units as it can, and others it builds as many air units as possible.

Go figure?

But I do agree, try playing as the allies. You'll see lots of unique approaches as the computer doesn't play the game the same way.

Learn how to create "kill hexes" on the russian front. The AI falls for it all the time, but an experienced human usually doesn't.

What was the quote about knowing your enemy?

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Thanks for the advice, it is appreciated. I've tried so many different strategies that it would be pointless to list them all here. However, I've never played as the allies, so I should try it. I guess I just wanted to know that it is possible to win as the Axis powers.

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There are a pleathora of ways to win as the Axis (sorry, couldn't resist)... Best way is to blitz the Poles & Denmark, Attack France through the Low Countries and then play it by ear. If England is steeply reduced, you might try Sea Lion. If not, get ready for the Ost Front to open. The Med is a side show that if you can spare the expense, a German tank and air unit can help out tremendously.

Spain and Vichy are usually too time consuming for hte Germans, but Vichy is good for Italian pride. Save Yougo for after the reds are in and then give it & Greece (if there's time) to Italy.

THere you go, my startegy in a nutshell.

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You don't have to go to The Mountain, The Mountain has come to You! -- I've transferred all the postings to date in the other forum I told you about. I think it helps to have things organized in a minimum of locations. Also, these entries are excellent and shouldn't be allowed to drop too far down the list.


Supreme Axis

Junior Member

Member # 11573

posted December 27, 2002 03:23 PM


I am a newbie, but I am learning fast. I just beat the computer on Expert. Also by declaring war on USSR in Summer '42 cause I feel that's halfway historically accurate. Although if I set the AI at plus 2 experience attacking Russia in '41 with USA/UK leaves poor Germany vulnerable in France, even the reasonable AI comes at me within 1 year of my attack on Russia... I have been playing on-line a few TIMES

LORDY LORD LORD!!! The guy declares war on Italy and uses the french fleet to toast me, also declares war on the low countries and gets in there before me. I know I can prevent 1 of them, but this really sets me back as Germany. Maybe I'm just too much of a perfectionist, I like to take Poland and France without losing any units aside from maybe a corp or 2. Though when France beefs up to hammer my Italian Navy there goes any operation in the Med and strapes my German attack on France. I will in future declare war earlier on Low countries, but I need advice on breaking Maginot.....Would you suggest purchase of a fiter at the fall of Poland? Also this leaves me in the dark as a human oponent does wild unexpected things. Abandoning bases to do insane amphibious landings all over the place. Please help me learn to adapt Thanxs to all, MUCH APPRECIATED ALL HELP! NEWBIE


I am your Dstructor Instructor


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Comrade Trapp

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Member # 11490

posted December 27, 2002 04:10 PM


In my opinion, what happend with the Low Countries and Itay is pretty rare, most players that play as the allies go on the defensive until at least late 1940. As for trying to break through the Magiont Line, I wouldn't even try it, you could be repelled to easliy and by time you broke through (if you did at all) the allies would have reinforcements and would be able to contain the breakthrough. Not to mention the French armies would be knifing their way through the German border with the Low Countries while you are preoccupied with the Maginot Line. I usally blitz through the Low Countries and break through the French lines with my panzer units (I pick one unit along the french line and pound it with aircraft and panzers, then use that as a breakthrough while my infanrty handles the other french armies)Then my Panzer Groups hit Paris which is hopefully defended by only 1 or 2 corps. Give it a while, after playing a few times you will be able to come up with your own tatics, you'll learn that every game is diffrent that you will need diffrent tatics for diffrent situtions (depending on what your opponent does). I hope this helps you.

[ December 27, 2002, 04:14 PM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]


"The object of war is not to die for your country but to make the other bastard die for his" - General George S. Patton

"Army: A body of men assembled to rectify the mistakes of the diplomats" - Josephus Daniels

"Veni, Vedi, Vici (I came, I saw, I conquered)" - Julius Caesar

"We have met the enemy and they are ours!" - Commodore Oliver Hazard Perry, 1813


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Member # 10545

posted December 27, 2002 04:27 PM


Comrade Trapp

You speak the truth; fine advice. The Maginot Line is too strong to break unless you have a few L-5 rockets concentrating on a specific hex -- using luftflottes incurrs too high a loss rate.

As you've said, there's no reason for attacking them anyway; when you break through the Low Countries -- even against a determined human opponent you should manage it, though a bit behind schedule -- the Maginot becomes insignificant if you attack to Paris on a two or three hex-wide front (if it's too narrow the French/Brits can crunch you against the West side of the Maginot, which isn't a pretty sight).

Be especially careful to cover your Panzer units; if they become too exposed they're easily lost to a skilled human tactician. The AI, unfortunately, misses these opportunities most of the time so it's easy to form bad habits by playing the computer instead of fellow humans.

Invading neutrals for the allies is okay if they don't care about having the USSR and especially the U. S. enter the fight. Sometimes these aggressive allied strategies work but I have little faith in them. Generally the patient Allied course that actually transpired (wait for USSR and U. S. entry) is the best.

It's the Axis, of course, that really determines what course the game will take. In the scenario editor I've experimented with starting the U. S. and USSR with 0% entry rate so Germany can hit Denmark and Norway without worrying about neutral entry till later and have found it very enjoyable.

I don't believe Russia would have declared pre-emptive war till at least 1943 and I can't see the U. S. having done it at all unless the Axis violated the Monroe Doctrine, so those settings are justified in my mind and allow the persecuted aggressors (Germany was, after all only fighting in self-defence because the Poles attacked one of her radio stations ) a little more time to rampage. In the 0% entry scenarios I also add a few infantry corps to the British Isles to help deter an early Sea Lion, which is often a good possibility for Germany (though historically speaking, I'm not a great believer in it's feasability and think the Germans were correct in not attempting it).

I don't know why it is, but as the Axis I get infuriated at the sight of independant non-Axis countries. Then I turn off the game and it's all live and let live.

[ December 27, 2002, 04:45 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]



"Where-ever you go, there you are!" -- Buckaroo Bonzai.


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Member # 10987

posted December 27, 2002 07:33 PM


The "Low Countries Gambit" by the Allies is very interesting. There are 2-schools of thought here. Everything depends on your goals & what you are trying to accomplish as the Axis. The Rookies will struggle against it. But in the long run the Low Countries will haunt the Allies.

Rambo >>>>>>> Wins many ways.


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Member # 10545

posted December 27, 2002 07:43 PM



Exactly. Having been used to playing the AI all the time I saw the Low Countries as an automatic. Then my first live opponent, took advantage of my Scandanavian detour to jump in and it took a very long time to dislodge him, afterwards France fell quickly because I'd already destroyed so much of his army in Belgium/Holland, but by then the east was perking up and I wasn't too pleased with my overall results.

Later I tried crushing Poland more energetically, skipping Denmark and taking the Low Countries right away, primarily with the panzers, arifleets, and whatever infantry corps were available to protect my tanks. It worked, the armies were swung over from Poland and by Spring the invasion of France was being wrapped up. When you tell people to play humans and not the computer you're giving them good advice; to be honest, I didn't start playing humans till you started drumming it in and I'm glad you kept saying it because it's the truth.

It's too easy to think faulty ideas are good ones when your opponent is always an electrode.

Unfortunately, as you've also mentioned, the methods of playing a human opponent aren't the best and are generally time consuming, which is my main problem with it -- like (I suspect) a lot of others, I slip away from other things to read and post here. Sitting and watching a screen for hours on end isn't an option for me.

The E-mail method is a good substitute and accounts for most of my play vs. human adversaries.

[ December 27, 2002, 08:16 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]



"Where-ever you go, there you are!" -- Buckaroo Bonzai.


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Supreme Axis

Junior Member

Member # 11573

posted December 28, 2002 02:08 AM


Thankyou, for some very the information. I would like to think that Russia would never enter until she felt so over confidant in winning<I don't think Stalin ever intended to lose any war he started opposed to Hitler who was a gambler and believed in psuedo-mystical/hysterical>

I am focusing on Low country pounding, with panzers/corps and air to soften em up. Just this particular fellow was being so unorthodox you didn't expect it. Low countries being plundered for Allies turn 2 also = an army for France. I will try to use all 3 fighters to pound and open a ardenne passage


I am your Dstructor Instructor


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Member # 10987

posted December 28, 2002 02:13 AM


Jersey --- Nice take, rack 'em. You're right on about the LowCountries gambit by the Allies!!!!!!

The rookies can't handle it as the Axis. The real Axis-Players can take it. It takes me sometimes until August '40 to get France, but I beat hell out of the British. Plus pissing of the Americans hurts the Allies if the game is going the distance. Germany can coast, rack up major cash.

I just can't do PBEM anymore. Too much BS. Plus I can focus on a game.

Rambo >>>>>> "I ain't the AI"


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Member # 10545

posted December 28, 2002 08:46 AM



Thanks for the Good Word. I understand your dislike of pbem. The times I've played IP it was fun but took too many consecutive hours: I work using my computer, which is why I pop into the sight so often, the flip side is after an hour or two of rec' time I have to use it for business or I get backlogged and it's hard to catch up down the road.

Supreme Axis


Glad to have been one of those who helped. The things you say in that last posting are all good points, especially about the luftflottes. Air power in this game is like pitching in baseball, it's easily neglected but if you're opponent has a strong airforce and you don't, he wins. That's all there is to it -- not counting idiotic situations like his having no army and your having all armored units gobbling his airfleets as soon as they land! Over the months I've noticed a very large percentage of those postings, including our friend Rambo, also agree airpower is of critical importance. I don't think it's even debatable.

image below originally posted by JayJay_H in the Prop&Jet seperate entity forum.


So, the final point I'd stress is this. Early in the game get two research points, one on Jet Plane Development and the other on Industrial Technology and consider it an investment in two essentials; if you develop jet aircraft and your opponent is still flying old crates you'll shoot him out of the sky, sink his ships and devastate his armies more or less in that order; you'll need Industrial Tech development in order to afford your more highly developed new units.

The next three research points I always put on Radar, Anti-Tank Guns and Heavy Tanks . Other people have other preferances and I'm not saying they aren't very important, because they are, but for the Axis I think those five areas are of the greatest importance.



Close behind is Long Range Aircraft and Gun Laying Radar . It's good to have a strong surface fleet and a nice touch if your aircraft have an extended reach.


There are some advocates of Heavy Bombers and perhaps they're right, but I find the Axis gets scant return on the research invested and building cost.


No need at all to research Sonar for the Axis.

Advanced subs and Rocketry are good but low on my list along with heavy bombers. Rockets are pretty useless till they hit L=3 and by that time you either won't need them or you'll be losing. I enjoy using them, but they never reach L=4 or 5 when you still need them -- which may be due to the fact I take so long to begin researching them. Also, they need a lot of air cover or they're just cans of lighter fluid waiting to be ignited. I think that covers all eleven research areas.

There are numerous other forums that discuss specific tactis in Russia for example, though you may need to backtrack several pages to find them. If you want to learn the game it pays to look at things on page 2, 3 etc as far back as you care to go. Most of the tactical forums are clearly noticable by their titles.

All in the interest of making a safe world for these, uh, gentlemen.


[ December 28, 2002, 05:36 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]



"Where-ever you go, there you are!" -- Buckaroo Bonzai.


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[ December 31, 2002, 03:49 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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I've added everything I can find on the subject to this single forum, which includes an entire earlier forum on the topic; let's keep these things organized instead of reinventing the wheel over and over again. All it takes is a little scanning of what's already been posted. Genghis has been doing a great job of that, going back and adding to existing forums instead of starting new versions of ones that already exist! smile.gif



Junior Member

Member # 11613

posted January 03, 2003 07:22 PM


Just wondering if any of you have been able to win as the Axis in single player mode? I know it can be done against other humans but can the computer be beat when playing under normal difficulty with no advantages for the Allies? Thanks.


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Junior Member

Member # 11520

posted January 03, 2003 07:31 PM


yes it is! I'm a newbie! Though I accomplished it with Nuetral Russia and Historical everybody else... and 100% difficulty. I learned in the end with good AirPower and tech it was kinda boring.


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Member # 9659

posted January 03, 2003 07:33 PM


Very possible. Once you understand the nuances of the game, it's even fairly easy to do against Allies +1. I think many of the experts can even win against Allies +2. I haven't tried that yet though.


Wargaming since Panzerblitz. Will try to add to the forum. I love this game!


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Junior Member

Member # 10710

posted January 03, 2003 07:39 PM


Winning as Axis is possible in every case, not even with a neutral russia.

The point is to conquer poland, denmark and norway BEFORE you take Paris (which should have been done until July 1940).

After Italy enters the war, they should take athens a.s.a.p. by using an air-unit, at least on army and possibly a tank group. This may give you the required MPPs.

In my eyes, the AI is very "dumb" at the normal setting.


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Junior Member

Member # 11613

posted January 03, 2003 08:35 PM


Thanks for the replies. I've been playing this game for about a month but I just haven't been able to win as the Axis yet. As soon as the Soviet Union comes in its all over! Any suggestions on dealing with them?


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Junior Member

Member # 11520

posted January 03, 2003 08:44 PM


you need 3 air fleets, 3 HQs and a mix of strong German armies/corps to fill in the gaps vs Russia. After you conquor France use your cash wisely!


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Junior Member

Member # 11589

posted January 03, 2003 09:32 PM


And it's probably not a good idea to make a German Aircract carrier. In fact, I only win as the Axis by getting Germany to avoid the water entirely. Want boats? The Italians can make them.

If you want to take Egypt you have to hurt the English fleet and often strike with a land force and an amphibious force.

I have yet to make Sea Lion work since the USSR always rushes in as soon as it starts.

Playing the Axis is a challenge because I use a custom scenario that gives the Allies more toys.


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Junior Member

Member # 9298

posted January 03, 2003 10:26 PM



No problem winning as single player Axis...just takes time to get use to the game's AI. Russia is pretty straight forward, though I always come in through Caucases (after taking Iraq), sending in two Corps and 1 Armour into Soviet mines and towns. Don't send in Armies, they get stuck in the mountains.

Take your time...and you'll defeat them, but you must attack something Soviet and destroy it off the map or else they'll build too large an army to defeat.

Good luck...


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Member # 9659

posted January 04, 2003 01:48 AM


Counter to what Defense said, Don't take Norway early. Wait till the french fleet is dead.


Wargaming since Panzerblitz. Will try to add to the forum. I love this game!


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Junior Member

Member # 11549

posted January 04, 2003 01:57 AM


Veo que tienes un NICK escrito en idioma espanol. Si hablas espanol quisiera ponerme en contacto con tigo para que jugemos por internet. Espero tu respuesta.


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Junior Member

Member # 11411

posted January 04, 2003 11:14 AM




Originally posted by elguapo2003:

Just wondering if any of you have been able to win as the Axis in single player mode? I know it can be done against other humans but can the computer be beat when playing under normal difficulty with no advantages for the Allies? Thanks.



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Member # 11195

posted January 04, 2003 11:44 AM




Thanks for the replies. I've been playing this game for about a month but I just haven't been able to win as the Axis yet. As soon as the Soviet Union comes in its all over! Any suggestions on dealing with them?


You have to be strong when Russia enters war.

IMHO there some basic rules:

Be fast as Axis!

Concentrate your troops on a few points/front lines, so that you have a local overweight.

Concentrate your MPPs for the most important units. A corps is cheap but without support from a HQ it is only a waste of MPPs.

To resist against Russia you need enough MPPs every turn so captured some countries to get enough industrial (MPP) resources when Russia attacks.

Kill units instead of damaging them if possible. Reinforcing is much cheaper than building a new unit!

Invest in research because on long term it will bring you much advantages. Investing in industrial technology is always important. Than invest at least in one or two other technologies to improve your troops. Mostly jet technology is important but it depends on your strategy.

Read the manual carefully

I attack Denmark in the first round. After Poland and Denmark are fallen I concentrate most of my units in the fight against Lowlands and France. I send a smal squad (1 HQ perhaps 3 or 4 ground units and an air fleet) to Sweden and than Norway. Normally they return to Germany when Russia attacks (and they gaind lots of experience). After France is fallen (which should happen fast against the AI) you can attack France Vichy or just Spain and than Porutgal (they fall fast with a squad of 1 HQ and 5 units). Another squad can attack Yugoslavia (or you wait until it will join Allies) and then Greece. Normally than Russia will join Allies in spring 1941 but if you watch carefully their war readiness you are prepared (a straight line of of armies/corps with HQ backup is not easy to destroy especially with some air backup). At this time you should have another Italian squad (HQ + 5 ground units) and some more German units at the eastern front. Often you can attack Turkey than which gives you the chance to capture the Caucasian area of Russia. With breaks the neck of the Russian war machine and therefore the neck of the Allies.

If you are very fast and if you have enough air fleets you can attack England after France is fallen. But this is a little bit risky I would make it after you have enough experience. You will have lots of options against the AI with some experience.

Good luck!


[ January 04, 2003, 11:48 AM: Message edited by: Sven1969 ]


Stupor mundi


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Junior Member

Member # 11509

posted January 04, 2003 12:03 PM


It is quite possible! I just did it at the basic setting (version 1.06). However I didn't go after Norway until after Russia surrendered. After the Russian surrender I was able to build up a very strong Navy (with plenty of carriers) and air to make Sea Lion not just viable but almost a sure thing. As the British and Americans fought to stay alive in England, I went after Norway with no problem. I was also able to easily go after Vichy France, Spain and Portugal with mostly Italian forces. Greece and Sweeden were also taken just for some side fun during the main events. I then invaded Canada and the US with full axis control of the sea and air (thanks to the carriers). Canada was easily taken. I did run out of time to fully conquer the US. I would estimate that I was 1 to 3 turns away from the US surrender when the 1947 game end came.

From reading the posts, there are clearly several other ways to win. My decision just happened to be to make sure Russia was beat first. In my game, D-Day came at a time Russia was already very weak. So I was able to devote a lot of axis strength to crush it. The last Allied troops in France were destroyed at about the same time Russia was surrendering. I'm still fairly new to the game, but I am finding that for me, the Allied side is the harder to play well. Either side you play, in the end, it seems that the game will be won, lost or a draw based on the results of the Russian front and the Russian strength when D-Day comes.


Tom Guequierre



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Member # 11195

posted January 04, 2003 12:16 PM




I'm still fairly new to the game, but I am finding that for me, the Allied side is the harder to play well.


Two weeks ago I would agree but not after some games I think both sides have similar strength. The game is balanced very well. On each side your strategy is very different. As the Allies you can play the Dutch gambit and hold France until Russia enters war. Without France and England Germany normally will fall. Or you can abandon France early so save your troops and make a counter offensive with US andd English troops when Germany concentrates their troops in the east.



Either side you play, in the end, it seems that the game will be won, lost or a draw based on the results of the Russian front and the Russian strength when D-Day comes.


You are absolutly right!



Stupor mundi


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My strategy is different and it works just fine for me. I attack Poland ASAP and transfer everything to the Lowlands. I attack France early, forgetting Denmark (it's only going to make the neutral allies come in that much faster). I take France very quickly (putting all excess cash into research, buying only 1 Panzer army) and then work on shifting all forces to the Eastern Front, only doing normal moves, not wasting money on operating them. As I move over there, I buy 2-3 more HQs and a few more Panzer armies and infantry armies. By now, I have bought nearly all (if not all) 10 chits of research, putting 5 into Industry, 3 into Anti-tank, and two into Heavy Tanks. If one of those maxes out (2-3 in inf., 2 in tank, or 3-5 in indust.) I take those points and put them into long-range and jet aircraft (I find long-range aircraft to be more useful than jets). By this point, Yugoslavia has been taken, the British fleet in the Med has been destroyed and Alexandria has been captured. I take all but an army or two out of France, piling everything else on the Eastern Front. It's mid-late 41 by now and Russia is spoiling for war (80%ish even w/o me attacking Denmark, Spain, Norway, Iraq, etc.). I have basically all Germans on the Eastern front with all Italian income going towards corps spamming. Those corps go entirely into France and Yugoslavia (mainly France). These tend to prevent any kind of invasion once America enters the war and their upkeep isn't expensive either even without air support. An Italian HQ is also useful in Western France. When the campaign in Russia starts, I have plenty of forces to take it by mid-late 1943. When America enters, I start ruthlessly taking all neutrals with small task groups diverted from Russia. If invasion of France threatens, I send a few experienced groups to France and that usually starts working. I then get ready to knock out Gibralter and bring the Italian fleet through, basing it out of France then. By now, my research has switched completely to jet and long-range fighters. Whenever I get a spare 400 MPPs, I buy a Fuftflotte. By this time, ti's slaughter. In January of 1945, I have about 15-20 Luftflottes and have destroyed all Allied airpower (thanks to my long-range), and I then switch entirely to aircraft carriers. Just for the fun of it, I then switch most research to heavy bombers. At the end of the war, (mid-late 1945) I had L=5 fighters, L=5 tanks, L=5 long-range airplanes, L=5 anti-tank, L=5 heavy bombers, and L=4 industrial tech. It was SO much fun hitting the US with 5 Horten heavy bomber groups based out of Spain and commanded by Kesselring. Also, I had invaded EVERY neutral country on the map. I use Canada as a base for my Ta 183 fighter groups. My E-100 tanks landed on the shore and swept through the US. That was a lot of fun.

Logan Hartke

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Originally posted by JerseyJohn:

Logan Hartke

Great Pics Logan.

Thought it was JayJay_H starting to post again!

Thanks. Some people complain on other forums about not giving credit to the sites where I got them from, but if they are too lazy to right click and select properties, then they don't deserve to know in my opinion.

Logan Hartke

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