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Island War Campaign


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Hello there

Im currently making a campaign based on one massive 5x4 K map of CM AK/BB

I originally read the idea on another board and have built my own version of it. Essentially using the operational system in CM (so you can use a battle window of the map not the whole thing) 2+ players battle out over an island fighting for towns which give you economic points (to spend on new units, repairs n stuff) Its kinda similair to the Operation Flashpoint CTI games (Capture the island)

Im developing a kinda strategic side of it involving the movement of formations (ie companys of troops platoons of armour sections of heavy weapons) using 1 big square (not the little squares) in the editor as movement blocks. Im trying to kinda figure out how you decide were to fight and the system for working out who attacks/defends meeting engagements and when to dig in have foritications and all that. Also I want to kind of encourage raiding style tactics of going into the enemy lines and destroying parts of towns in order to reduce the enemies economic points or cripple a port so they can't import units they dont have factories for on the island

I was also going to use a modified version of Robo's Quickcampaign rules specifically for tracking the experiance of units

Any help or suggestions welcome

Ill also put the map up on the scenario depot when its finished (its 80% done for CMAk and thanks to the map convertor 60% done for CMBB (need to add steppes and factorys) For anyone who wants to use it for some kind of massive operation or battle game

I know its not historical its purely just to have a campaign with a map that has importance, to fight over towns that mean something to you other than just cover and concealment terrain

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