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Help the lamo, Again?

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OK, so I've ordered the game, and I'm waiting for it to arrive. I've beaten the AI with "major victories" in Chance Encounter as both the US and Germany, mostly thanks to help from the people in this forum.

So now its on to Valley of Trouble (the only other scenario I can play until the game arrives, I guess).

Where I promptly got my ass kicked.

So then I thought, I'll play as the Germans, and see what brilliant strategies the AI comes up with! So I sat there and clicked "GO" 35 times as the Axis.

Answer: Zip. the AI got slaughtered too! About turn 25, they smoked out the pillbox with the tank gun, but then the AI completely blundered whatever sort of attack it was planning...

I did learn one or two things:

1. The 105mm artillery can't take out the pillboxes, you have to use the tanks with the 105 howitzers on top of them for that, and hope they can put a shell through the front slit. Not sure what the 105mm spotters ARE good for...

2. The smoke shelling of "tank gun hill" was pretty effective at neutralizing that pillbox.

3. It might be possible to use the first two tanks to take out the MG pillbox on the left along with that platoon and then come in via the left flank.

So here goes with some questions:

a. What are engineer platoons good for anyways? OK, one has a flamethrower. I guess I can flank a pillbox, then set it on fire? Anything else? I guess I can torch the town too, with all those Axis soldiers waiting inside...

b. What do I do about mines and such? (The AI didn't seem to set any off, but perhaps that was because they had used the 81 mm mortar on that position? Do engineer squads remove mines?

c. Any suggestions?



Where's the John

Wayne option? (All Axis

troops miss, and you

never run out of


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Glad to see you coming on board.

Flamethrowers. . .slow at getting to the target and a hassle to keep alive until they get into range. Placed as a passenger on one of the vehicles may help mobility of these fine weapons, but they are still targets none-the-less. Engineers. . .locating and removing mines is the only purpose that I have found. I have used them to take out bunkers and pill boxes as well.

At any rate. Glad you are on board.

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The engineers have a valuable weapon- the satchel charge. This is used to clear minefields (just place engineer squad(s)adjacent to the minefield-not in it), barbed wire, and if you can get a squad behind one, they take out bunkers pronto. The charges are also murderous on infantry massed in buildings. Obviously, since the range of the charge is very limited (as far as they can throw it) engineers have to be close to their target and the enemy should be fully surpressed by other units.

You will quickly learn to appreciate the value of that 105 spotter. In fact, in that particular scenario, it is really the imbalancing factor IMHO. Bringing down a barrage on entrenched infantry is extremely hazardous to said infantry's health and morale.

BTW, in a human vs. human battle, this scenario is typically much easier for the Americans.

[This message has been edited by jgdpzr (edited 01-23-2001).]

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Originally posted by Jackal:

Glad to see you coming on board.

Flamethrowers. . .slow at getting to the target and a hassle to keep alive until they get into range. Placed as a passenger on one of the vehicles may help mobility of these fine weapons, but they are still targets none-the-less. Engineers. . .locating and removing mines is the only purpose that I have found. I have used them to take out bunkers and pill boxes as well.

At any rate. Glad you are on board.

They are supposed to be good for removing minefields; seems like a waste of time to me in the span of an average scenario.

Where are the flail tanks?

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