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V1.11 Tank Fire Into Buildings

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Since this is being noted in v1.11, perhaps it was corrected in v1.12, but that is the reason I'm asking? I didn't see anything elsewhere on this.

I have a current game in v1.11, where the armored units of both sides are targeting a two story church, but all gun fire from those units is landing on the second story, even though the MG fire is being appropriately aimed at the units on the ground floor. This is even though the gun fire was planned as area fire exactly to an area on the bottom floor?

Does anyone know about this? Was this something that was found out and fixed, or is there another possible reason for this?



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Guest Mirage2k

The only thing I can think of is that the armored units and the building are not on the same level, and the armor is simply missing the target a lot. This can happen, especially if the target it on the crest of a hill.



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Lemme see if I can describe the geographical situation. It is a two story Church. It sits on an elevated partial road hex, on the bank of the elevation. Elevation being about 10-15 meters high I guess. Sort of an embankment. An Allied SP gun is on the lower elevation, some 200-300 meters away and was firing on the Church but all shots hit the 2nd story.

Now, I'm targeting the same Church from a distance of approximately 75-100 (point blank) meters on the same elevation with a MarkIV, (and took the time to mark an area target on a hidden infantry unit inside on the bottom floor, marking the yellow line to within a foot or so of the infantry). But all shots hit the 2nd story. Now, another oddity is that the MarkIV's bow MG, was just peppering away at the infantry as it should have correctly hitting the bottom floor, but oddly the infantry remained hidden. This is bound to come up again, as the Ami's are still in there, and at the moment my job is to get them outa there, so needless to say the MarkIV has more deposits to make in the Church offerings plate. smile.gif


"Gentlemen, you may be sure that of the three courses

open to the enemy, he will always choose the fourth."

-Field Marshal Count Helmuth von Moltke, (1848-1916)

[This message has been edited by Bruno Weiss (edited 02-21-2001).]

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Ok, so the enemy infantry unit is hidden within the church, and you've ordered the Mark IV to blast him out with area fire.

I think what you are seeing is the AI, because it's shooting at a two story building as opposed to an individual unit within, is aiming for the theoretical center of the target, i.e. the second floor. The tracers of the bow MG might seem to hit the lower floor, but again it's also area fire so it could really be hitting anywhere along the front of the building. At least that's my take on it.

Question: you said there's an allied SP shooting at the church as well. Was it doing it while the enemy unit was hiding inside?

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Well, I had previously positioned a sniper in the Church and the Ami SP was firing on it, then later the American's took the Church and now I'm targeting it. It's a popular Church. smile.gif

I suppose your assessment may prove correct. Just seems weird. I'll find out soon maybe, as I say the Church is surely in for more targeting.


"Gentlemen, you may be sure that of the three courses

open to the enemy, he will always choose the fourth."

-Field Marshal Count Helmuth von Moltke, (1848-1916)

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The LOF of the SP and MkIV may be clipping the edge of the higher terrain and blocking a shot at the first floor. Raise the LOF above the blocking terrain and it intersects the second floor? Maybe.


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I'm not sure I've understood the original remark here, but it fits in with another feature I've noticed:

When heavy weapons (guns and howitzers) direct fire at buildings, even large buildings, it's not uncommon for the HE to explode inside the building near the rear wall. It seems almost as common as explosions agaist the frontal wall.

I find this odd. Even if openings like doors and windows were targeted surely there would be inner walls that detonated the HE before it reached the other end of the house.

I don't think this need a fix, but it's at least worth to notice for your play.



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Oh, the original comment was why this MarkIV of mine was targeting the 2nd story of a Church, when it was directed to area fire at the middle right side of the bottom floor.

Well one thing I noticed re-watching the movie where this happened with the MarkIV, was that the MarkIV (although told to target the right hand side of the building, near the middle of the building and on the bottom floor, fired it's first shot at the upper level "left" side of the building on the 2nd story, then its second shot was aimed at the upper right side of the building 2nd story. All in all it fired 4 shots into the building, all of them to the 2nd story.

Initially, the enemy infantry was not hidden, although its LOS was blocked, but barely, to the MarkIV. When the shells started landing, they went hidden. Now I gotta wait as my opponent decided to launch an infantry assult on my right flank, so the MarkIV is busy supporting my defending infantry over there, so the Ami infantry in the Church will have to wait a turn or so to hear from the MarkIV again.


"Gentlemen, you may be sure that of the three courses

open to the enemy, he will always choose the fourth."

-Field Marshal Count Helmuth von Moltke, (1848-1916)

[This message has been edited by Bruno Weiss (edited 02-22-2001).]

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