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NewDFDR - Future Pale Pack Preview!!

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Got that next pale pack (#3) together.

You'll see it next week after Logan and I return from our annual North Fork river float. A relaxing 2 day canoe float culminating with a 2 day handgun boar hunt. WOOOOHOOOOOO! Wish us luck fellas!

Logan sports the old standby .44 Super Blackhawk with a 3x Leupold, while I'll be packing the far superior .475 Wildey automag w/ good ol' iron sights.

[ 07-13-2001: Message edited by: Clubfoot ]

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Good work Club!! :D

E-mail me the list of mods you have wrapped up in PP#3 and I will make up composite contents piccy to post on this board...... ;)

Oohh, Club..... a Boar shoot...how boaring!! You could at least use bazookas :eek: to bag them pesky boars!! :D. It would be much more sporting, don't you think?? Heh heh smile.gif

Have fun.........


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A public service announcement for hunters...

Super hick? Hatfield & McCoy? "Inbread" (is that when your weapon is baked right into the loaf)?

Am I correct in my guess that the jibes are probably from those who've never hunted? (let alone boar, w/ a pistol no less!) Never seen a boar take a man apart? Never been charged by one that outweighs you by 100lbs.? Never had one give up the ghost during said charge only after 3 headshots and still slide into you with enough velocity to break both of your legs? Never seen them proliferate to such a degree that they slaughter and root about in the carcasses of your uncle's herd animals (as was the case for this year's hunt)? I've seen all of these things.

Sorry, but hunting is quite dear to me and I suffer under it's criticism very poorly. I assure you that if there is any situation even resembling a "fair" hunt (which there really isn't seeing as we have opposable thumbs and self awareness and all that), then this is it.

Lay off my sporting. I'd rather have you kick my dog. Now back to our programming...

[ 07-16-2001: Message edited by: Clubfoot ]

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I wasn't getting down on you for hunting Club, I don't agree with it but I wouldn't stop someone from doing it as long as it done humanly as possible...( I did it once or twice but it was never my thing...Though rabbits aren't the same as boers! Clay pigeon shooting is more my thing !!!)


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Hey ho.....

Sorry I might have stepped on your Clubfoot, Club ;) I'm forgetting my own hunter/gatherer past!!

FYI I've been on plenty of shoots (rabbits - kangas - foxes - and a wild pig shoot in FNQ jungle (Far North Queensland - long time ago...) and to tell ya the truth, the .308 bolt action I had for that particular pig shoot seemed like a popgun in the circumstances - can be scary stuff when they holler and scatter all over the place. You hear the stories about guys being bitten - charged etc by the big boars and you never know which way they are going to run!!

We bagged three or four that day. I remember downing one with a lucky hip shot at about 20 metres - no time to aim at all ;0) ..... They are a real pest in plague proportions in Qld and the Northern Territory. Maybe a "Survivor: Vermin Hunting Tour" down under trip should be your next stop!! :D

Have a good one


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