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How does the AI select units?

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How does the computer spend its points when purchasing units (in "computer allocated" unit selection rather than "humans choose") - is it completely random or weighted towards either good (points vs punch) or historical units?


Or, of course, none of the above.




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We ran tests a while on this, and pretty much it always turned out balance, terrain was the more a factor in getting a victory.

It seems to first purchase as large an infantry clump as it can reasonably get, then a core force of armour, then some artillery, and then fills up the remaining forces by drawing on support and vehicle. It mostly will pick multiples of the same tank in larger battles, if that tank is a cheaper tank it will sometimes balance it out with a more expensive tank.

In games theory, programming a computer program to make a set of choices from a very large variety is an extremely difficult task, for example AI programs that attempt to choose supplies to be kept on hand in just in time manufacturing still cannot compete with an experienced human. So any application that attempts to choose forces will do it less well than a human. The key, and what makes it work in CM, is that it is choosing what are basically historically possible combinations of force in units rather than by the squad, and both players recieve the largese if its stupid choices.

Also, the game has been changing. At one point the US player was the victim of getting lots of tracks and jeeps. Now that seems to never happen.

This of course is speculation from testing and should be taken with a grain of salt. If you generate 40 quick battles and play them there are so many combinations that you may, by luck alone, get 40 poor combinations while the other guy gets 40 good ones. Of course, no combination is truly poor.

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