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Playing the Soviet side in CM2

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Freak:

The point is simple. Kingtigers are rarely seen at all in CMBO because of its already built in expense. They are there, but very rare. Please refer to my original post on this matter.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

It was referant to Kunstler's comment <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Will it simply entail setting out troop orders at the start and then going for a coffee while the Nazis slaughter Soviets? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Of course it will not be. Soviets did not spend the entire war with inferior armor, they did not walk like robots into death, and they did not win by sheer numbers alone. They had limitations, but so did the Germans.

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Quoted by Desantnik


Then there are numbers: only about 7-10% of German war machine was engaged on all fronts except the East (so those 10% had to be devided between France, Mediterranean and Afrika Korps). Now bulk of those troops were stationed in France and those were for the most part second and third line troops with next two nothing in experience and obsolete machinery


Sorry Desantnik. Not that I am saying you are wrong because I have no idea but in order that I may learn something I am asking if these figures are true - about only 7 to 10% of the German army fought on the Western Front. Because if that is true I am terribly wrong in my thinking. Now can anybody back that up? If so then I'm way off base, which wouldn't be the first time but I never get tired of learning something new or interesting. I would really like to know. Anybody???

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ok i'll give you blantant casualty figures by campaigns to compare:

German KIA, Eastern Front 1941 - 11.30.44: estimated 3.5 million men

German MIA, Eastern Front 1941 - 11.30.44: ~997.056

German WIA, Eastern Front 1941 - 11.30.44: ~3,498,060

German KIA, the West 6.06.44 - 11.30.44: Approx. 100000

German MIA, the West 6.06.44 - 11.30.44: 338,933

German WIA, the West 6.06.44 - 11.30.44: 399,860

Heer units alone took 50-70% casualties in the East. Luftwaffe was severly crippled as well (over 600 various aircraft lost above Stalingrad alone!).

Comparing to the east it is really hard to even call the warfare in France in 44-45 a "Front". West was this traditional strategic warfare with rules and etiquettes while the East was a pure meatgirnder. One day a devision arries, another day replacement for it is needed. All the German best went to the East and none of it returned. Western front was more of a sidebattle that slightly annoyed Germans. later in the war Germans intentially weakened Western front so the Amis can take more ground than the Soviets who were there for revenge. Western front was a matter of land devisions while the East was the matter of survuvial of either Germans or Russians as a culture.

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