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Is There a Way to Provide Covering Fire?

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Did a search, can't find the exact answer to this. Is there a way for a unit to lay down covering fire without just using the area targeting command? Short example:

A platoon is at the edge of the woods in front of a village. Two squads are targeting a squad directly in front on a ridge about 100 meters away, while a third and a MG have a line of sight to that enemy squad. However, I want that third squad and MG to cover for a bazooka team that will make a run towards the village, but who will set up at the top of the ridge short of any buildings to get a side shot at a tank moving down the street. Since there "may" be enemy troops in the buildings the bazooka will be approaching, is there any way to have the third squad and MG react to any fire upon the bazooka team, instead of waiting a few seconds, then having the Tac/AI target the enemy squad the other two squads have already engaged?

Assume that the enemy squad being targeted by the other two squads is well suppressed, and does not pose a danger to the third squad, MG, or the bazooka team. Thanks!

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There isn't a way to get a unit to target potential targets that haven't been identified by sight or sound contact, nor to specifically order it to generally cover a friendly unit should they come under fire. Better to run a squad into unknown territory ahead of a zook team, as the latter has no combat strength against infantry.


When men are inhuman, take care not to feel towards them as they do towards other humans.

--Marcus Aurelius

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Thanks Gremlin. This is what I thought (and was afraid of). Looks like its "over the top" for this third squad. I hate losing a situational advantage, as that third squad is well placed for another maneuver next turn or two. But the tank is a priority for now.

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Hose the buildings. That is the way to get the mission effect you want. Use area fire on the buildings from the MG and covering squad. Incidentally, area fire can be better for suppressing an enemy unit anyway, because it is kept up even when the unit "ducks" ("takes cover" and goes out of LOS temporarily, I mean - or backs up into a tree line or farther into a building then returns).

I know your particular question is whether you can assign the men not to shoot at anything but the buildings, but also not to use area fire, presumably because there are more possible enemy locations in the village than two units can spray, or something. But the answer to that question is "no". If they do not see a target and have an active enemy in sight who could shoot at them, and are not ordered to shoot somewhere else, they will fire on the visible enemy out of self-preservation.

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