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Question about uploading on scenario depot

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There are a number of issues occurring with regards to the current upload system. I'm addressing issues as I find time, but right now I'm pretty much wall-to-wall with regards to finding a job before my current one moves to India.

For the moment:

1) Submit scenario synopses as normal. Note that there is an issue with regards to the amount of data being posted. Too much data and the Submit button does nothing. This is a quirk of PHP that I am attempting to code around. If you get a "Submit button does nothing" issue, eliminate some of the data from the Author Comments or Brief Description.

2) Email me the scenario file as was done under the previous system.


My primary focus right now is obtaining gainful employment, so I would appreciate it if everyone would bear with the current SD system for a couple of weeks.

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I notice that you're using a method="get" on your form for your scenario submissions, wondering why you don't use a method="post" since it doesn't have the 255 character limitation that a "get" does? Just throwing that out there, I'm sure there's issues involved and you're busy, so no need to reply if you don't want/need to. smile.gif

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Originally posted by GJK:


I notice that you're using a method="get" on your form for your scenario submissions, wondering why you don't use a method="post" since it doesn't have the 255 character limitation that a "get" does? Just throwing that out there, I'm sure there's issues involved and you're busy, so no need to reply if you don't want/need to. smile.gif

That's the ticket! It seems as if that was the "Click Submit and Nothing Happens" issue. Thanks for the important safety tip.
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Originally posted by Admiral Keth:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by GJK:


I notice that you're using a method="get" on your form for your scenario submissions, wondering why you don't use a method="post" since it doesn't have the 255 character limitation that a "get" does? Just throwing that out there, I'm sure there's issues involved and you're busy, so no need to reply if you don't want/need to. smile.gif

That's the ticket! It seems as if that was the "Click Submit and Nothing Happens" issue. Thanks for the important safety tip. </font>
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Originally posted by GJK:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Admiral Keth:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by GJK:


I notice that you're using a method="get" on your form for your scenario submissions, wondering why you don't use a method="post" since it doesn't have the 255 character limitation that a "get" does? Just throwing that out there, I'm sure there's issues involved and you're busy, so no need to reply if you don't want/need to. smile.gif

That's the ticket! It seems as if that was the "Click Submit and Nothing Happens" issue. Thanks for the important safety tip. </font>
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Yeah, in my opinion you'll want to use server-side scripting to handle that (PHP in your case), since javascript can be disabled, etc. On TPG, the post goes through with however much they want to type in there, but then as it's being appended to the database the characters are being counted. At a certain point the append is finished and anything else is chomped off. Pissed off a few people with that as you could tell, so now I've added a "preview" screen on all message board posts that does the same character counting - so they can see if they've over typed and will need to modify. After the preview, if they submit again, it then does the append to the database.

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Agreed on the server-side aspect. Prior to your suggestion, I was going to break the huge form up into a tabbed submission form, where the first section posted, and subsequent sections updated the record. There are all manner of partial record issues associated with that, but it's still a viable option. That, along with using strlen() and maxlength to enforce field string limits, ought to do the trick.

The thought I had with regards to solving the partial record issue is have an ActiveRecord flag which only gets set once all the required fields are filled in. Obviously this is still in the concept phase.

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I do something similar on TPG. For scenario submissions, the first part is the scenario info screen. If a required field is missing, then they are redirected right back to the form until that information is filled in. I do append what they entered in up to that point though, for the reason mentioned below. When they submit again, if all required fields are complete, then that additional information is appended to the database (a unique SKU number is carried with them to track which scenario this belongs to). Only then do they get to the next screen which is the actual file upload screen. I do some error checking here as well; does the filename have the appropriate suffix (.cma - .cmh or whatever it's up to now, .zip or .sit), and does it have a filename that is browser friendly. If that test is passed, then the name of the file is appended to the record carrying that SKU number and the file is transferred to the appropriate location. A discussion thread is created for that scenario on the message board and a few other things happen as needed.

Most browsers will retain the information entered into the form if the visitor is redirected back because of a lack of filling in required fields. Some have a cache issue and will wipe the form clean though. So, even the PITA that it was to code, I retrieve from the database the information that was entered intially and display that in the form instead of relying on browser cache retaining and displaying that info. Of course, if they change something that they wrote the first time, it is updated with a replace instead of an append to the database.

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