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Question about autosave

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Found yesterday. I've suffered a game freeze while I'm reviewing a particulary happy for me action. I must close the computer and restart. This is the first time that I was in need of the autosave feature and " horror"

it save the game at the end of the order issuing phase not at the end of the played phase. So my happy result vanished and *°%$!

I can't obtain it again. So if I can right understand the feature allow you to cheat with the computer ( if your turn goes wrong you can replay it and change the bad orders ) but not save what you really get in the game? What's the sense?

Perplexed and waiting for yor help.

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Yap this is the point. What's the use of autosave if I can't retake my game from the end of fighting battle with what I've get right or wrong, and I must pulled back to the order phase where all is again subdued to the random calculation so the wrong can siwtch in good and viceversa?

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