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Is hiding tiring?

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Situation: Tired and/or weary troops are in woods. I want to get them -> ready as fast as possible to continue their advance.

I have them on Hide to keep the Allies from sending them to a permanent rest. Is that going to impact my time to readiness?

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I haven't tested it out, so I don't know for sure, but I don't think so.

Note that exausted (not weary) troops can't hide, not that troops ever get exausted anyways.


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Originally posted by zgrose:

Situation: Tired and/or weary troops are in woods. I want to get them -> ready as fast as possible to continue their advance.

I have them on Hide to keep the Allies from sending them to a permanent rest. Is that going to impact my time to readiness?

Interesting, I don't know either if hiding impacts the recovery rate, however hiding doesn't allow guns/mortars etc to 'ready' their weapons after moving to a new location. I have played a couple scenarios with exhausted/weary troops and they seemed to have no problems hiding.

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i don't think whether a unit is hiding does anything to the recovery rate of said unit. i would think that is dependent on the type of unit and what it is carrying. eg. a panzerschreck will tire and get weary very quickly due to the load that its lugging around. and my experience will take some time to return to rested state. if you keep him moving it will take longer..


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Just did a little unscientific test and the results suggest that hiding is neither tiring, nor does it increase recovery time of tired troops.

Two seperate platoons of regular rifleman w/ no AT resources and identical HQ units traversed 600m of heavily wooded ground at fast pace. All units 'tired' within 6 sec. of each other. All units then became 'weary' within 6 sec. of each other. Upon reaching their destinations (again, 6 sec. window) one platoon merely sat there while the other hid. All units then adopted the now familiar 6 sec. timeframe to revert first to 'tired', and then to 'regular'.


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