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Basic: Ammo question

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I read some material here and there, from newsgroups, forums and some books. May be I have never fired a real gun or served in military service. The problem for me is I am not draw up a complete picture of what exactly are all ammo types of every weapons, such as "FMJ" (full metal jacket), "APC" (armor piecing core?), "APFSDS" (armor piecing, fin-stablized, discard sabot), etc.

Could anyone post or point to resources where I can have comprehensive references on ammo, especially for the peroid CMBO.

Thanks in adv.



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Guest Michael emrys

Well, for starters, full metal jacket refers to rifle rounds. The lead is completely enclosed in a steel casing to prevent it from expanding/disintegrating when it strikes flesh. This is part of the Geneva Convention IIRC, and was done for humanitarian reasons.

APC means Armor Piercing Capped. A cap (of somewhat softer metal I believe) is placed on the nose of an armor piercing shot to aid penetration by reducing riccochets.

APDSFS is fin stabilized because it is intended to be fired from a smoothbore tube and therefore does not receive the stabilizing spin that a rifled tube would impart. I assume the discarding sabot part you already know about by now.

Now Rex will post pointing out that all the foregoing is total malarky.



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Thanks for the info.

I think I need more, not only infantry weapon, but others too.

The problem is: many references are about the weapon itself but very little on the ammo, e.g. "US Infantry Weapon of WWII" talks a lot about the weapon used but the author(s) assume the readers have some understanding about ammo.



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