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Idea for CM2,3,4: One-time units

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It hit me last night that it wouid be a lot of fun to have special units show up. I mean new, unique models.


A German Railway Gun. Have it ambushed by a resistance group--if it fires in the last round (which could look SOOO cool!), then the Germans win and resistance loses.

A last train leaving the station. Just would be cool to see the engine & cars leave the map.

A fishing boat of a drunk & deaf old man singing show tunes?

Any other ideas?

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Picture this if you will. Your troops are mounting an attack on enemy position. One of your squads are working their way throught a forest while another one is sneaking up over a ridge and there's your one Sherman trying to outflank a Tigers. Now you are seconds away from starting the attack. All of a suddent a fog bank moves in dropping visability down to zero. Your whole plan goes to hell. Anyway, that's my suggestion. Would that add a lot to the game. And it doesn't have to be just fog it could be a real hard rain that just pours down bogging a tank or two that was moving off a road. Anyway you get the picture. Well we are just dreaming here aren't we? ;)

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