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CM is halting all of a sudden! why?! pls help

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I was one of the first to order CM and I must say its been really stable and has never ever stuffed up on me. But now, I *think* since updating to 1.12, its crashing on me.

Well, not crash, but its becoming unplayable. When I push Go there's a chance that during the "computer player thinking" stage or when the blue bar at the bottom of the screen is making its progress from left to right the progress bars will just STOP. If I push enter, escape or space etc. I get returned to my desktop no harm done. I've tried reinstalling and patching it again ... no luck the same stuff happens.

Anyone have any ideas? thanx guys

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Hmm, I don't know, but I got my first freeze up the other day after I had installed that new Allied Field Gun Mod that apparently had some invalid bmps.

That's a mighty fine mod if I do say so myself, BTW. But anyway, I was cruising along the line of guns that I had loaded into the editor and as I got near the end of the line, the game freezes. My cursor still moved but the game just wasn't responding. Very odd. But that download was before Madmatt cleaned it up.


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Off the top of my head, how about these possibilities:

- You may have insufficient RAM or system resources due to other programs running simultaneously;

- Your HD is nearly full and windows swap space is at its limits;

- Your game and or system files have become corrupted due to viruses or HD-read-write problems;

- Your video drivers are corrupted and the game craps its drawers when directed to compile video commands for the replay phase;

- You angered the Gods and must sacrifice a chicken or small child immediately.

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Originally posted by Maximus:

Hmm, I don't know, but I got my first freeze up the other day after I had installed that new Allied Field Gun Mod that apparently had some invalid bmps.

Had the same thing happen too. Cleaned out the BMP and WAV folders, extracted the original ones and am slowly building up again. Problem for me was I did a bunch of mods all at one time and could'nt figure out which one was hosed up. Least that's all I can figure.

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Dirtweasle is right on. I've experienced numerous problems in my modding madness. Mostly they relate to corrupted .bmp files.

Once I had to laboriously backtrack over my installed mods until I found the culprit: the entire CM engine was failing to boot because the lousy Sherman track .bmp was bad. Would you believe it?

Since then I've gotten used to saving modded .bmps once or twice using different paint or graphics programs...this seems to validate or verify the file format to CM's liking and the game settles down immediately, but only after I remove, re-save and re-install the offending .bmp file.

[This message has been edited by gunnergoz (edited 03-21-2001).]

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All I can say that nothing on my system has changed at all since I got CM except my video card, which I upgraded to a Hercules Geforce Prophet 2 MX ... CM ran fine for a good long while after the upgrade with no 'not responding' errors/wierd stuff during the computer player thinking/ blue bar phase before it plays out the 60 secs. I've got 250meg RAM and even though sometimes I got the message when C:\ was a little full that I had run out of hard drive space (I dont get this msg anymore ive got 570 megs free on it now) I could still go back to CM from the desktop. Maybe that new Panther A mod I downloaded got corrupted or something .... I've got no idea

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