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TCMHQ - Download the new US uniform mod !

Guest Tom

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Shatter:

I simply put your mod in as is, and now my American 44 infantry and 45 infantry all have the same uniforms. All American uniforms are Green with different arm patches.

The 44 infantry does not have their tannish Jackets. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>


I suspect you're playing a LATE 44 scenario or a winter scenario with no snow ground coniditions. I think the tan jacket for regular infantry is associated with bitmap numbers for very EARLY 44 scenarios. Btw, ALL the WINTER uniforms are green. If you prefer the tan jacket, you may want to copy those bitmap files over their green counterpart files. Experiment a bit and you'll likely find a combination your happy with. For instance, I still intend to use one of Maximus's white winter uniforms and one of Andrew's olive green as my defaults.

[ 07-20-2001: Message edited by: bfamily33 ]

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For those that want a white jacket for the winter troops, I'm thinking of doing them up that way, of course I'll mask around all web gear and Andrew's scarf.

Just yesterday, I applied the crumpled look to all the summer uniforms and arms. Today I may try the white jacket look.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Shatter:

AndrewTF I downloaded your American Infantry mod last night, and either some of the BMP's were missing or numbered incorrectly. I simply put your mod in as is, and now my American 44 infantry and 45 infantry all have the same uniforms. All American uniforms are Green with different arm patches.

The 44 infantry does not have their tannish Jackets. The whole reason I got your mod was because of the 44 uniforms. So I switched back to DD uniforms, I still would like to use your uniforms.

The strangest thing is that, I see the Tan jacket BMP in the zip, but they are not shown on the soldiers when I add them to the BMP folder.

I lost my list with the US Uniform BPM numbers so maybe you could send me the BMP numbers for the US uniforms

Also some of the BMP's are missing because I the first time I add a mod I compare each bitmap to the one already in my BMP folder. This could be the sleeves you spoke of earlier in the thread.

I really don't know what is going on with your mod, I am gonna try to figure it out now.



Are you playing a "snow" scenario? All the winter uniforms use the M1943 or "45 pattern" uniforms that would be more correct for Autumn and Winter 1944.

The regular bmps ARE correctly numbered (ok, so I forgot to add the different arm bmps, but Tom already posted my patch) and should give the proper results for 44 and 45 pattern infantry squads. I'm using them myself and have found no problem.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by AndrewTF:

Are you playing a "snow" scenario? All the winter uniforms use the M1943 or "45 pattern" uniforms that would be more correct for Autumn and Winter 1944.

The regular bmps ARE correctly numbered (ok, so I forgot to add the different arm bmps, but Tom already posted my patch) and should give the proper results for 44 and 45 pattern infantry squads. I'm using them myself and have found no problem.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>


Yep that is exactly what it was, My screw up.

No problems now, It was probably to many beers that night.



[ 07-21-2001: Message edited by: Shatter ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Shatter:


Yep that is exactly what it was, My screw up.

No problems now, It was probably to many beers that night.



[ 07-21-2001: Message edited by: Shatter ]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Too many beers? Is there such a thing?


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