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Victory Calculations, perhaps for CM2!

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The current victory flag (points) method might be bettered to prevent, "Last turn rush." Some of my battles end on a sour note with my opponent charging a victory flag near the end of the game. They generally don't want to control the flag, just put enough units near/around the flag to make it disputed.

Is this gamey?

Nevertheless, the last few turns of a game sometimes determine the outcome of an entire 30+ minute battle. Here's an idea I propose for CM2!

Cumulative VP's: Very similar to the current all or nothing method, except the victory points are awarded to the controlling player on a per turn basis.

Single side VP's: One side is granted VP's for controlling a specific flag, not both sides.

I would like to see conclusive closure. Far too many games "end" when things start getting good! Being able to play after the game ends is NOT what I want. This will inevitably draw out games and make scenario's near-impossible to balance.

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Well, you can have just one flag count. The defender won't know which one it is, but the attacker will. It can make life a little more interesting for both sides.

As for flag rushes, IMHO, if you can't prevent a rush, you didn't really have control over the flag in the first place. I do agree that it is bad sportsmanship to rush flags on the last turn, though.


Well my skiff's a twenty dollar boat, And I hope to God she stays afloat.

But if somehow my skiff goes down, I'll freeze to death before I drown.

And pray my body will be found, Alaska salmon fishing, boys, Alaska salmon fishing.

-Commercial fishing in Kodiak, Alaska

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