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Another New Member at Forward Observer!

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Hi All,

The Combat Mission Scenario Database has been added to the Links Page at Forward Observer! For those of you who do not know what it is, Craig Harvey has produced a masterpiece! He has located every scenario ever made for CM and compiled a list containing descriptions, links, and much more. It is a must-have for any CM player or scenario designer.

For those of you who are familiar with the Database, I would like to make a request. It is very difficult and time-consuming for Craig to maintain such a large project. If scenario designers, webmasters, and even players can try to let Craig know when they have located a new scenario, it would make things a lot easier for him.

Also, if you have a CM-related website and host scenarios (or even if you do not), feel free to join Forward Observer. That way you will get more exposure for your site and Craig will not have to make as many stops along the information superhighway to find what's new.

Thank you.



Wild Bill and the Raiders

Boots & Tracks Team Member

Forward Observer

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