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I have seen numerous posts pertaining to an online game called WWIIOnLine. I have visited thier website and there appears to be alot of effort going into the games development. The current state of the Internet will make this game unplayable because of packet loss and connection problems.

In my experience with realtime online games, most of the time, the connection is bad. By bad, I mean performing an action then waiting from 1 seconds to more than 5 seconds to see the results. As an example, if your character is being fired at by enemy soldiers and you decide to run for some nearby cover, your client will show your character running and ducking under cover while the server has your character still standing in the original location because of a bad connection and informs you that your character has died. The enemy will have seen you 1 to 5 seconds before the server sends the packet about thier location to your client. It can't be syncronized because the process will take to long for a realtime situation.

In my opinion WWIIOnLine is a good effort and will probably have its group of regular diehards but as far as playability I have my doubts.


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Strat, it sounds to me like you have a poor connection to the internet. I have seen times of lag when the internet is having problems on my route to a server, but it isn't the norm. I think there are enough Quake players that show that the lag isn't that bad for most of us most of the time. If I had a consistant 5 second ping time I'd be on the phone to my ISP, I can guarantee that. I'd put internet lag far down on the list of things WW2OL will have to worry about.



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The solution with bad response-times is... adaption. I usually play Delta Force Multiplayer on Friday evenings over a beer or more.

If there is no more than, say, 12-15 players, game usually runs fine. But if we are more than 15, sometimes full server - 32 players, you get noticably longer response-times.

What do you do? Well, simply add extra lead! smile.gif

To me it seems like the problem is not with the individual players' connections, but the server-connection.

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Stefan, there are many oportunities for bottlenecks. The players connection, the route of the internet, the servers connection, and the actual server and player hardware. Having played a massively multiplayer on-line game for over three years, I've experienced at least four of the above problems. However in the last year lag wasn't nearly the problem it was before. Lag of more than about 500ms was a rarity.



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