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BTS: Fix the Infantry run for cover bug

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I have been designing a scenario using a hedgerow. In playtesting, infantry under fire seem to want to run through the bocage to seek cover beyond it in scattered trees.

This is always towards the source of enemy fire and leads to the cover-seeking infantry being slaughtered in the hedgerow. They look like robots stuck in glue frantically trying to get to some percieved cover.

Shouldnt hedgerows be the cover that they seek? That is, run to the edge of the hedgerow and get cover there?

I think I have seen infantry also do this through wire. Again they just get tangled in the wire and get slaughtered.

Running towards the enemy is usually only performed by very well trained troops that have been ambushed at very close range. Believe me. It isnt a natural thing to do.

A natural thing to do is to get the hell down. Its what people are trained to do and comes naturally if the urge to run crazily to the rear doesnt win out. Running into enemy territory is rather rare.

I hope BTS can address this behaviour in some form. In cases where the troops run towards the enemy but dont get caught in wire, etc, they gain an equally unrealistic advantage. It will certainly bring teh infantry game closer to reality.


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