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1.1b24 - what's with tanks area firing now?

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Playing some more PBEM with the beta and I noticed my tanks were firing smoke between the opfor armor and my infantry that was being engaged. Very impressive since I didn't give the order and it saved my infantry.

Some of those same tanks (in that platoon) also were area firing into a copse of trees where some opfor infantry was. I did not order that and quite frankly was surprised. Not that that is a bad thing so long as my tanks are not fixated on area firing (which used to be the case). What happened was his infantry ran away from that copse but my tanks kept firing. No need to do that. Especially since there are opfor armor assets just behind every rise seemingly. So next turn I cancel the area fire order only to have it done again. Is this intentional and why would my tanks area fire into a copse of trees where there is nothing? Or is it possible that the area target line is left there to show the last target but the tanks aren't really firing there anymore?


Jeff Abbott

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