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CM in total rest and full processor load: now I know I'm not insane, please replicate

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Guest KwazyDog

Hi Guys,

OK, I thought I better do some testing here and give you guys the results. I downloaded the above program you suggest Nabla and tested it with a few other games. The good news is that the fact that CM uses 100% CPU time even when at the interface screen is totally normal. I tested the following games with the same results...

Operation Flashpoint

Railroad Tycoon

Unreal Tournament

Settlers 4

All of these games used 100% CPU time when maximised whilst at the first selection screen, and in fact the last two games used 100% resources even when the game interface is minimised. I would guess that it is to do with the fact that these interfaces are using DirectX libraries etc, but I'm just guessing wink.gif


[This message has been edited by KwazyDog (edited 03-28-2001).]

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Yes, very interesting indeed. Now there's one more thing we'll have to check: processor temperature, that is, whether all of these programs increase the temperature of the processor as much as CM does when they are "idle" (menu or something else non-3D).

I don't have a processor temperature monitor in my PC, but I'll try to find one (I don't know whether it has to be supplied by the manufacturer). At least I can run some of the game demos to see if my computer gets hot and the fan turns on. If someone has a temperature monitor in their PC I'd surely be ecstatic if that someone could run the test (at least for some games mentioned above there are demos you can use in the test).

Just this one test and we're done. smile.gif

[This message has been edited by Nabla (edited 03-28-2001).]

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On the basis of a quick test I'd say that you're so very right! I downloaded the demo of Railroad Tycoon, and the startup screen is making the machine run just as hot.

On the defense side I must say that I've really been looking for any possible angle that would help me solve the lockup problem, and when I saw this feature I thought it made some sense. However, now its back to the drawing board... smile.gif The weird thing is that I've not been able to replicate the lockup situation with any other program. CM is really the ultimate stability test, as someone wrote on this board.

Thank you very much for interest and co-operation. I myself will leave this subject for a while and focus on PBEMing, which is the best thing since ... well, what? biggrin.gif

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