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Can anyone remember their first map?

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There are some really great mappers out there. However, no matter how amazing their skill, they all had to start at some time. I just got my first try at a map last night and I can tell you that it was far from a work of art! It was a default size map with the Germans defending a HUGE cliff. This cliff was unconquerable though because there was no way to get up it!

The Allies however, had their own huge mountain on the other side of the map. This behemoth towered over the entire map and down near it's base two churches perched precariously. While it may seem strange for two churches to be positioned so close and so awkwardly they really weren't out of place. The whole centre of the village was littered with churches as I couldnt figure out why they had 4 different options for churches and I was trying to figure out what the difference was.

These people needed a lot of churches to pray in however because there must have been a huge drought in the summer of '44 because the town was full of burning houses-burning big houses, burning small houses, burning light houses, burning heavy houses. The farmers, not to be outdone by the petty bourgeoisie in the towns planted HUGE fields of burning wheat completely surrounding the town. The pine forests in the background decided to get into the act as well and spontaneously combust. The rolling smoke which soon engulfed the map must have been quite a sight for the Germans and they must have been wondering why the villagers didnt just use the water that was pouring out of the cliff and collecting in a little puddle at the bottom to extinguish the fires. However the Germans were to preocupied trying to figure out how to put together a defense that consisted of nothing but Tigers, Tigers, and MORE Tigers!!

When all was said and done I was quite pleased with my creation.

Who wants to host my scenario?

[This message has been edited by Canuck (edited 03-03-2001).]

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If you do a scenaro based on your home town, I'd love to host it.

(A good scenario, that is.)


Well my skiff's a twenty dollar boat, And I hope to God she stays afloat.

But if somehow my skiff goes down, I'll freeze to death before I drown.

And pray my body will be found, Alaska salmon fishing, boys, Alaska salmon fishing.

The Last Defense- Mods, Scenarios, and more!

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