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Uniform and vehicle camo BMPs in CMBB

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Did BTS release any information about how it intends to handle the different vehicle camo/uniform patterns BMPs?

I presume that, generally speaking, there will be a breakdown like this:

German vehicles:

1. pre-1943 Panzergrau

2. 1943-onwards camos

3. 1941-1945 winter whitewash

German troops:

1. 1941-43 Feldgrau Bluse

2. ditto (winter)

3. 1944-45 simplified 'rat-grey' battledress

4. ditto (winter)

Soviet vehicles:

1. 1941-45 dark green paint

2. 1941-45 winter whitewash

Soviet troops:

1. pre-1943 M40 uniform

2. ditto (winter)

3. 1943-onwards M43 uniform

4. ditto (winter)

The main problems lie in the exact breakdown for the various infantry 'specialties'. For the German ones CMBO is a rough guide (but I presume that we'll see also LW field divisions and different helmet BMPs for the various specialties). The Soviet ones shouldn't be too a problem.

I wonder what will be the approach with the Axis minors, probably there will be a lot of simplification here but it would be a pity... imagine Italian Alpini or Bersaglieri wearing the same uniforms of the ordinary infantry :D

Of course it would be a waste of time to wait for detailed BMPs for all those fancy stuff, but what I'm asking for is that BTS could hardcode different BMP codenumbers for all this stuff, leaving to the mod comunity the tast to differentiate them, just like they did for the winter camo in CMBO.



[ 11-04-2001: Message edited by: Amedeo ]</p>

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