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Better QBs for CM2

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I whould like to see more custom settings for Quickbattles.

a) preset number and scattering-range of the VLs (and also no VLs)

B) troopselection like in the scenario editor - if I buy engineers, I won't buy two flamethrowers all the time, too, for example.

c) free set of the purchase points. Why bind them to preset levels?

d) skip the difference of probe, attack and assault. At last a probe is an attack with purchase-handicap and an assault an attack with purchase-advantage

e) maps with rivers would be nice

f) a briefing screen for both players which shows all settings. It sucks to write down all setting for my opponent or create screenshots for every game.


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I'd like the much stated request of being able to import maps into a QB.

Also, I'd like an option to be able to buy all the experience levels in the same game (crack troops fighting alongside green troops for example).



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B) A generic, US, engineer platoon comes with two FT teams. Not including them would be unhistorical. Granted, QBs are somewhat unhistorical to start with, but we could at least play with the historical units, right?

c)This is already in the game.

d+a) How far into the map you have to push is determined by choosing the type of aggression, Probe, Attack or Assault. Pushing farther is more dificult, hence the difference in purchase points. Lower the turn-limit to minimum and see how much harder the Assault becomes. With speed being of essence you really need the extra points given in an assault.

e) Agreed.

f) Agreed.


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Guest Space Thing

Yes, it's been said before and I'll say it again here too:

We need a "NO Restriction" choice for troop "Quality" in a QB.

This way, we would be able to accurately depict the Battle of the Bulge in a QB. Also it wouldn't be bad to have a "Crack" unit with "Regular" troops. One already existed for "Force" and one was recently added (strangely enough) for "Type" in QBs. It really is needed.

One arguement against it is that it would make QBs unhistorical. That doesn't hold water becaude they already are unhistorical without rarity and the presence of Sturmgruppes for the German player. A person would learn real quickly that the purchasing of "Conscript" troops with "Elite" armor simply wouldn't work. An all "Regular" force would eat them alive -just like in real life IMO.

So, a "No Restriction" setting for troop quality is at the top of my list.

I submit this without ever being a member of any ladder tournament competitions. I just want CM to be as historical as possible when it comes to QBs.

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One thing I would like to see, instead of selectable force experience settings, etc, would be a 'force randomizer.'

This setting would randomly distribute some casualties to squads (very, very rarely does any element fight at full establishment) and randomize experiece between squads, etc. To give a much more realistic feel.

Of course it should be optional, so that some people who are very interested in play balance do not raise a stink.



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Originally posted by Sten:

A generic, US, engineer platoon comes with two FT teams. Not including them would be unhistorical. Granted, QBs are somewhat unhistorical to start with, but we could at least play with the historical units, right?

I can drop them in them in the editor, so why not in the a QB? And yes, maybe it's unhistoric - so what? If someone want to play historic only - okay, but why must always? I will play unhistoric, too!!!

This is already in the game. It's not. I can still select only from 300 - 5000 pp.

And generally one point to add to my first post: I want to be able to set EVERYTHING optional to 'Random'


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