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Favourite small mapboard

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I'm interested in any submissions from gamers on your favourite small game mapboard. I've just been mercilessly thrashed on a meeting engagement scenario (1000 pt) based on the 'Cochon Bridge' mapboard, which is so good I'm sure to come back there again, real soon. (... It was all my fault, sir. I thought a brace of Stuarts woud set a cat amonst the pigeons. How was I to know that he'd have Conscript Tigers galore!!....) I find the QB mpaboards about as bland as the QB games (and AI opponents) themselves. OK, but predictable. Nothing like a human opponent, nothing like a human-designed scenario, and nothing like a human-designed bit of terrain. I prefer using human-designed terrain, and DIY forces, so I'd loved to hear of other small-force terrain (say, 1000 pt max) which you'd like to recommend.

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I learned along time ago that the QB maps

just did not do it for me, so I embrassed the

map editor and began to design detailed maps

based on the regions that CM takes place.

I have several opponents that I play on a regular basis and they use my maps and we have had many a great time in combat.

Let me know your email address and I will send you a few samples to battle on.

Deadline ---MIke

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