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Contour Lines?

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I read the CMII posts as far back as 1 Jan and didn't see anyone request toggle-able contour lines. When trying to determine routes of march which avoid certain lines of sight, I find zooming around the battlefield in 3-D mode somwhat ahistoric and would prefer a "virtual map" overlay of contour lines. Am I a voice in the wilderness or did I miss earlier posts?

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Try DD's Gridded terrain. It does pretty much what you want. I think it's on CMHQ.


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But if somehow my skiff goes down, I'll freeze to death before I drown.

And pray my body will be found, Alaska salmon fishing, boys, Alaska salmon fishing.

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Am I a voice in the wilderness or did I miss earlier posts?
No to the first and yes to the last. You would have had to go back a fair way to dig this one out. A popular request but it had some sort of implementation problem I think. IIRC Steve did say they would have liked to have it in. Gridded grass can help a lot but it is not the same, especially if you are used to reading maps.


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This world is a world of lies,

Here's a toast to the dead already,

And here's to the next man to die."

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