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Vehicles Disappear

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I has a strange occurance last night. It seemed that in middle of a CM game, all of my vehicles disappeared. What really strange is that they still fired, where fired upon and some where killed. Passengers on the vehicle where "floating" above the ground. I saved the game exited the operation, and restarted the operation. Same results. The only thing that fixed it was to completely shut down CM exit to desktop, restart. When I did this all the vehicles came back. Has anybody encountered this? I work with computers so I know that they sometimes get a mind of their own. I have screenshots if needed.

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Guest claespiper

If you consult the quick keys, you soon discover a key kombination Alt-[something] or Shift-[something] with wich you can toggle visible vehicles or invisible vehicles. Hope this helps



Ps. Sorry I can't provide the correct combination, but I don't have CMBO on this computer.

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Howdy Jfeagin,I think you may have hit SHIFT+V by mistake it makes your vehicles invisible.Hit SHIFT+V to bring them back,Hope this helps. smile.gif


Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. "Gomer Pyle"

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