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Rush for the flag!

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Hi everyone!

Sorry if this has been covered before and I missed it but...

I've noticed the the AI sometimes does a blitzkrieg for the flag on the last few turns of a scenario (presumably in a dash to get points) so I thought that I would try it.

Example: There are three objectives and you have taken and held the nearest two for much of the game and the enemy has done the same for the far one. On the last few turns you pour as many of your troops/armour at the enemy held flag timing it so that they will at least deny them a gimmie on a bunch of points. Trouble is, on the few times I've tried it the points total on the AAR do not seem much different from the previous turn.

So my question is... are the results from the last turn fully included in the AAR?

Thx for the help in advance!

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Yes, they are. The AAR is calculated only on the results for the last turn. If you hold a flag for 29 turns of a 30 turn game and lose it on the last turn, you will not be counted as having the flag.

That said, I would recommend against last turn rushes for several reasons. First of all, they don't always work, and if they fail, you don't have enough time to do anything else. Second, if you play PBEMs or TCP/IP games, it's considered gamey, or unsporting, to rush the flags on the last turn. Do this too often, and people won't want to play against you. Third, charging wildly into a melee is going to cause a lot of casualties. If you lose more than 300 points while charging for a flag, then the cost has vastly exceeded the value of the flag, especially since those 300 points could have been used to kill enemy troops, then secure the flag later.


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There is a lot more that goes into the victory calculation than just who holds the VL. The big flags are worth 300; the little ones are 100. So, if you're holding a big and a small, you'll have more flag points than your opponent. You'll have to weigh the cost benefit of charging a held position. How strongly held is the remaining flag? How much will it cost you to take it?

You also need to consider that the AI takes into consideration other factors in calculating who wins and by how much. If you get your specialized troops killed -- any mortar or AFV crews, sharpshooters, FOs, etc. -- the AI counts it against you. If you keep them alive, i.e. move them away from danger and off the map (presumably to fight another day) then they're not among the dead or captured and the AI likes that. The same concept applies to AFVs. If you lose all your vehicles, it counts more heavily against you than if you don't.

There is even more involved, which others more knowledgeable can expound on at length.

In short, if you're considering an end-game attack on a VL to take away the gimme, it may not be worth it. Know what your assets are and consider the cost vs. the gain.


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Thanks guys

Yeah, I know it's unsporting and I wouldn't try it against anyone but the AI and not even then most of the time.

The 'trick' that I was trying for though was to arrive on the last 'tick' of the last turn, preferably via a concealed route.

As you say it has no basis in reality as it would not end there and you'd get creamed shortly after. The was just a technical question about how smart the game logic is in it's considerations.

I'm slightly smarter too now

Thx again.


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