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CM2 - Unit Roster?

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Something I'm hoping will be in CM2. I'd like an easy way to find my units. I don't know if anyone else ever loses track of some of their units, but I do.

A unit roster which lists each of my units during a game, maybe with a stat or two on them. By clicking on the unit within the roster I'd immediately have my viewpoint changed back to the game with the unit selected and right in front of me. If it's eliminated, show me where. If it ran off the board, tell me.


PS- for the inevitable anal remarks about doing a search, I tried, but found nothing.

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After playing a moderately large battle (a complete battalion of infantry and two platoons of AFVs), I came to see the desirability of this feature. I imagine those who fight even larger engagements (as insane as I think that might be) must be desperate for it.


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