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Reinforcements - amusing glitch?

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A mate and I are having our first go at designing our own forces against each other. We're both on Macs. When we both got to turn 5 for our reinforcements to arrive, they both arrived at the same spot, about 50 metres apart from each other, behind my lines. Quite a scrap. I've since tried other 'create my own' scenarios, and all the reinforcements for both sides always arrive at the same spot - bottom left hand corner of the Allied side. Where am I making my tragic mistake? (I've got Axis edge north, Allied edge south, and neutral edges for east and west set each time in the parameters section).

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When I was playing Valley o' Trouble from the demo over & over while waiting for the out-of-stock CD to arrive, I tried hard to be in a position to give the German reinforcements a hot reception--you can do it if you have a lot of practice, and you hurry. Nothing like lining up 3 Shermans for side shots on a Panther, then roasting up some infantry. Probably not what the game designers had in mind?

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