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Any Good Pershing Mods Out There?

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I enjoy playing as the Allies and particularly drool when I can get a Pershing or two into the game. Yes, Pershings are just a BIT more fun to command than Shermans (unless you’re a masochist).

Anyhow, the Pershing graphics I’m using are pretty weak – low res, muted gray tone, and just simply boring. I think they’re the original bmps from the disk. I looked on some of the best mod sites (CMHQ, Kump’s, etc.) but I can’t find any Pershing mods.

I know that someone’s got to have done a nice Pershing mod out there. Where is it hiding??

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hiya Jess. There's a greenish version available. Saw it yesterday on one of the CM Webring sites. Can't remember which one though.

Good luck!



I prefer an enemy who's willing to die for his country. That way both him and me have the same aim in mind.

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I'm also interested in this; if I had any real knowlage of how to use photoshop and how to start on a mod, I'd make one myself for the public. Currently I have a personal MOD, but its a very basic little upgrade, I don't recommend anyone ask for it. wink.gif

I'm interested too... the Pershing is probably my favorite WW2 tank. (Partially because of a U.S. bias I admit, but I just like its balance of powers and all 'round powerful look)



CO, 99th Dragons

A Warbirds Squadron

'We will heat you up'

"It is well that war is so terrible, else we would grow too fond of it."

-Robert E. Lee

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