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Too Many Mods - Help!!

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Hi All,

I started playing CM 1.0 and really enjoyed it. Time constraints forced me to move off gaming for a bit just as lots of mods started coming out.

Now with the 1.1 patch it's definitely time to fire the game up again.

I walways liked the mods because some of them were just amazong work and made the game look much cooler, and in the cases of some terrain mods, play a little better.

However there are soooooo many mods available that I just don't know where to start now!

It would be great if comeone compiled a list of the best mods in each category and possibly tracked # of times downloaded and a vote by users rating system.

Even better if someone compiled a .zip file of their best mod selections in each major category like Axis Vehicles, Allied Vehicles, Terrain, kinda thing.

It would also be really great if the mod "features" list included functionality with the Mod Manager as that seems to be invaluable. I thought that was a great tool but alas most of the mods I already have were not optimised for it.

Anyways, basically... too many mods! ack! don't know where to start and a list of the best sellers would be really helpful.

If this exists, a link would be really great, apologies, but I could not find it.

IMO now that BTS are millionaires wink.gif it would be cool to see CM 1.2 include the Mod Manager and the best mods as voted by the community.


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First I advice you to install Mad Dog Mod Pack (MDMP1 and 2) mod sets from CMHQ http://combathq.thegamers.net/

It is good to do at start because it makes fine base for later mods and includes Kwazydogs great vehicle mods.

DDs terrain textures and infantry MODs are very good. (in CMHQ)

Replacement sky textures (in CMHQ)

Maugua's buildings are the best around IMO. http://users.pandora.be/aneric/index8.htm#Mods

Though most people seem to like Panzertruppens buildings better (in CMHQ)

Tiger's and Magua's vehicle mods are are my favorite(many other exellent modmakers around too) Check out Manx's great page http://www.combatmissions.co.uk/mods.htm

for Tiger's vehicle mods.

Better sounds from:


Mods are matter of taste so its best for you to download all that looks good in your opinion smile.gif

Complete list for CMBO mods can be found here: http://www.combatmissions.co.uk/workshop/modlist.htm

Good hunt! biggrin.gif

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