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Minor complaint about area fire

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So there I was..... engaged in a PBEM with a worthy opponent. 250 meters in front of my hull down 75mm armored car was a platoon of British infantry hunkered in a patch of trees. They were not positively identified and only showed as generic Brit markers. I told my AC to area fire in the center of the enemy group. Movie begins: My AC adjusts main gun. FIRE! One 75mm HE screams home with a satisfying boom, bodies go flying. One squad gets I.D.'ed. Area fire (orange target line) turns to red target line as AC fires on this one squad. AC continues to fire on this one squad until it breaks and routs then it quits firing because it no longer has a positive I.D. on ony other units! During this lapse in firing I come under fire from a 2in mortar hidden in the trees my AC was supposed to be area firing on! Luckily I did not get killed and will be able to plot another round of area fire.

So, it this an intentional design feature or a bug or plain dumb luck. I don't care either way but knowing will help me in the future.

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Guest PondScum

Intentional design: if your unit spots an enemy in the area it is firing at (or a nearby threatening enemy) it will switch to direct targetting, and if that then ends for some reason it will not resume area firing. Think of area fire as being the least important thing on the TacAI's priority list, even lower than "sit here and wait for a new target to pop up where I just saw that other one".

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