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COMBAT MISSIONS: Armour Tactics - M7/M7B1 Priest

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For those that aren't aware - i am attempting to compile a web-based dossier on the tactical usage of the armored units that can be found in CMBO.

The next AFV in the series is the M7 & M7B1 Priest - Self-Propelled Artillery Gun

While countless historical documents, accounts and statistics exist on the units portrayed in the game, i would like to get away from all that and concentrate more on how these units actually perform within CM itself. BTS have (as closely as possible) made them as historically accurate as they can be anyway. So....How good are they at the role they are supposed to fulfill?. How do YOU make them "tick" within the game?. What tactics work with them....and just as importantly, what don't.

Once again, any and all feedback is much appreciated.



COMBAT MISSIONS - Resources For Combat Mission

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Without a doubt, the best infantry support weapon in the game. You get enough ammo to last 30 turns or so of nearly constant firing, and three shells is usually more than enough to put a squad or an MG out of action.

Be sure to cover them with antitank assets, as they are vulnerable to anything with a 20mm gun and up. Pair them up with a 76mm sherman or an antitank gun to give yourself antitank and antiarmor firepower. Even without help, Priests can hold their own in a firefight with Pz IVs or StuGs, if they get the first shot or their opponent misses.

Priests are very, very vulnerable to fighter bombers, though. Bombs go through their thin armor, and the open top is a magnet for strafing. A veteran 40mm bofors is always a good investment if you have more than one Priest or open topped tank destroyer.

Sometimes, you may be able to use Priests as bait, luring your opponent's tanks into flanking fire by AT guns or bazookas. I've been fooled by this once, costing me a Tiger and an StuG. Never get cocky when facing Priests. Their armor may be paper thin, but even a near miss is enough to disable an enemy tank. To counter them, use light tanks or flanking fire. As I said before, a 20mm gun is enough to take out a Priest, so why use a Tiger to go after them?


Well my skiff's a twenty dollar boat, And I hope to God she stays afloat.

But if somehow my skiff goes down, I'll freeze to death before I drown.

And pray my body will be found, Alaska salmon fishing, boys, Alaska salmon fishing.

-Commercial fishing in Kodiak, Alaska

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Well I don't think it's the best infantry support weapon in the game but it is a highly prized asset. If I have one in a scenerio I tend to keep it hidden until I know the enemy armor has been neutralized then I bring out the Priest and start "blessing" the enemy infantry. They excel at destroying buildings but you can't use them in the game the way in which they were intended to be used: indirect fire. Oh well, minor complaint. Used wisely, you'll be glad you have one. One wrong move however, and you'll suffer a brewed up Priest. It's not enough to keep them safe from enemy tanks. You have to shield them from 20mm on up. I never buy them in QB's prefering instead the M8 HMC or Sherman 105.

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Like Cybeq, I keep them in reserve, hidden, then bring them out only through known safe routes when they're needed. They can unhinge large sections of an enemy's defensive line when they open fire.

In defensive scenarios, I'll use them for a late-game counterattack.


...and Kingmaker taught me that if you go to any town in Britain, sooner or later the plague will get you. - Offwhite

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My favourite!

I use them as some all-purpose long range kill-'em-all. Great for knocking down houses, knocking out Hetzers (frontally) or King Tigers (flanking).

They're a bit low on MG ammo though, and avoid incoming arty. frown.gif




Strategy is the art of avoiding a fair fight...

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An absolute MUST for town and heavily wooden areas.

I usually buy a pair of Regulars, since their overall effect does not decrease with experience.

The great thing about a direct 105mm hit is the routing effect! Bring up both of your Priests to open fire on a building, and any infantry inside will be surpressed, panic, and rout in a matter of 1-2 turns - that is, the the building does not explode killing everyone inside, that is!

In city fighting, keep your Priests behind your lines until you have cornered an enemy strongpoint. At this point, isolate this strongpoint and scout the sorrounding area for AT teams. Then, bring in your priests to demolish said strong point.

In wooden areas, you have to be more careful and it is often more difficult to achieve such a devestating effect (forests dont explode, unlike buildings). However, you will need a strong direct Arty presence to shift enemies from woods, which can usually take very long to do with just infantry/regular arty.

The great thing about the Priest is the quick effect. Just keep it safe behind your lines when not in need of it, and avoid exposing it on small targetss, since you stand a chance of losing it for a relatively small gain.



"...Every position, every meter of Soviet soil must be defended to the last drop of blood..."

- Segment from Order 227 "Not a step back"

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