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Bigger infantry hair.

Guest muslim_Bob

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All you guys are forgeting Combs. You can't have long hair without Combs. Sheesh!! They should model the 2mm UB Comb, with back pocket, access. And yes there will be a 15 sec pause before you can use it. smile.gif

Think I hear a padlock...


"If you're in a war, instead of throwing a hand grenade at the enemy, throw one of those small pumpkins. Maybe it'll make everyone think how stupid war is, and while they are thinking, you can throw a real grenade at them." - Jack Handey

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In my year's experience here, the most common source of complaint has been nothing to do with realism or accuracy, and instead all about people wanting to be able to do things that they think they should. It all comes down to getting killed as little as possible, and killing the enemy as quickly as possible. This should be achieved through competent force management and tactics, not computer-assisted micromanagement. The Second World War was far less neatly and efficiently fought than CM would lead you to believe, and many people don't seem to appreciate that. The future of CM is not in the addition of numerous Microsoft-style bells and whistles, but in the development of the engine to actually, if anything, make battles more difficult to fight (ie. relative spotting), and require not only keener and more realistic tactics, but a greater acceptance of the loss inherent in war. The destination can only be an environment where clever tactics and good ideas are rewarded, rather than the 'gaminess' encouraged by typical computer games, something to which even CM is not immune.

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