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unhappy because your Tank didnt see the piat?

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Guys, i probably have the dubious honor of having actually been in real combat, at the tender age of 43 and 15 years in the British Army, one usually will have the chance of a real war. You have to remember that lots of things are taking peoples attention, i/e trying not to get shot.

If your crew fail to see a bazooka crew or a large pink bunny, its because

A.. their faces are pressed into the dirt

B.. they have seen something that they are not sure about(was it the wind blowing the bushes/curtains etc)

C..They were to busy reloading,lighting a cigarette, listening to what their leader was saying.

d..Their stuck in a tin can with a little vision block

A Tank that loses its commander, well in the time scale of Combat Mission,will be very lucky to get back into action (to be truthful,in real life most Tanks would high tail it rearward)

A buttoned up tank in the middle of a battle,is a very frightened beast, try looking out of a 4 by 6inch vision block,under fire,dust,bouncing up n down and see if you can spot a House let alone a 2 man a/t team!

Combat Mission is a beautiful game, superbly supported,however it is a GAME, its A1 cannot

replace real people and that is why somethings appear strange, do not blame Battlefront, accept it that things do go wrong in war.Trust me,I know, i have been in one.


War is orginazed chaos

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well I was never in combat (thank god) but was a Light Tanker in the Canadian Reserves. yes its hard to see out of those slots, yes radio chat can sometimes be harry (manouvers) when the Sh*t hits the fan. and no we had no gyroscopes to aim with the main gun its damn fecking hard to stay on target while your crazy tank driver decides to do 30km on a bumpy field. hehe.. ah memories.

we got plinked so often and never knew where it came from, but at least our infantry support wacked them after (sour feeling you had to be a barbeque before they could spot the AT unit)


Der Kessel Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.

[This message has been edited by mensch (edited 01-18-2001).]

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Don't know what started this, but I'd agree with IC. Steve has stated, rightly so, that the tacAI is not perfect. That is not the fault of BTS, or any company, AI technology is at the mercy of its time and place. A hundred years from now, CM45's tacAI will be a hell of a thing.

Speaking of no replacement for human thought processes, and demonstrating the opposite of the above example. I just witnessed a well laid plan of mice and panzerfausts go awry.

Cleverly moving one of my faust units through a woods towards a heavy building where a hapless Sherman was but a mere 30 meters off to the left in a street, but blind to the fausts approach, and creating a distraction with my supporting infantry on the fausts right I thought meseff altogether bright and shrewd, looking forward to a Sherman roast. Ah, but I made the mistake of telling the faust to change from "move" at the edge of the house to "sneak", and to move into the house and, complicated the issue by setting the waypoint too close to the corner of the house where the lil feller toting the big cigarette would then see the Sherman (and vice versa), just at the point of the command change. Well, I watched in horror as my well laid plan went to crap.

The faust stopped momentarily to sneak, sees the Sherman, (who then sees him), raises his faust (but still close in to the building), and promptly fires off a round into the building (which only had the effect to announce to the world that he had arrived). Meantime the Sherman, deciding discretion is the better part of valor, high tails it in reverse and behind a building he was beside. The lil faust then (like nothing inordinate had happened), picks up where he left off and moves into the building. Neither party the worse for the wear, but that wasn't the aim of the exercise.

AI fault? Nope, my fault for (a), not using better tactics and having the faust fire from the corner of the building where he had initial surprise (the Sherman was busy peppering some of my infantry elsewhere), and a clear LOS outside of the buildings walls, (B) changing orders where the faust was going to stop to think about his next order and see the Sherman (TC says he's also winded), and maybe ©, moving him into the building in the first place. I'd like to blame BTS for all of that, but sadly twas ole Bruno who blew what should have been a hellofva surprise party for the offending Sherman. Who no doubt next turn, will undertake to thank the lil faust properly for announcing his arrival. frown.gif


"Gentlemen, you may be sure that of the three courses

open to the enemy, he will always choose the fourth."

-Field Marshal Count Helmuth von Moltke, (1848-1916)

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