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German bomber defense using 'bombs suspended from parachutes' ??

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Reading an article titled "German Spring Air Tactics" about the change in German tactics in the spring of 1942, the author states:

"Secondly, many instances were observed when German bombers defended themselves against attack of our fighters by releaseing small-size bombs suspended from a tiny parachute. This bomb is carried behind the plane by air current created by the propeller. Thus is defended the rear part of the plane from our fighter attacks, while the upper portion of the plane is protected by machine-gun fire."

This is the first I've heard of it. Is it bogus, or did the Germans really try this? Did they release one at a time, or a whole cloud?

I'm guessing one at a time - with a crewman arming the things and then throwing them out a window.

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I have not heard of this particular story, however the Japanese used phosphorus bomblets dropped from fighter planes above a bomber formation, which ofcourse would rain down upon the bombers to burn through the metal fuselage, and I believe the Germans used phosphorus AA shells also. In addition the Japanese released hundreds of bombs on hot air balloons to drift across the Pacific trade winds and land on US soil where they would explode.

So, based upon those tactics I suppose what you say might have been tried. I would submit though, that like a good many experiments by both Axis and Allied war planners, it doesn't seem to have met with any great success otherwise it would probably be better known.


"Gentlemen, you may be sure that of the three courses

open to the enemy, he will always choose the fourth."

-Field Marshal Count Helmuth von Moltke, (1848-1916)

[This message has been edited by Bruno Weiss (edited 02-22-2001).]

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Oh yea forgot to mention. The article - should someone want to read it for themselves - is written by Lt. Col. Denisov can be found at the sites listed below. I keep forgetting to click that 'Show Signature' box.

An article on another 'unorthodox' aerial combat method - ramming - is available too. I think the article is called 'Ramming'. I've heard of ramming from other sources so am inclinded to buy into that practice.


Check out http://www.geocities.com/funfacts2001/ or

http://hyperion.spaceports.com/~funfacts/ for military documents written during WWII.

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I read that the Germans tried dropping large timed bombs on parachutes into the middle of American bomber formations. Apparently, it was difficult for them to hit anything this way, however, they were successful occasionally and these bombs were capable of destroying multiple bombers with one "hit".

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