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Updated Hellcat....Winterized....!!

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Good, but it IMHO it's a little too whitewashed. Either leave more brown paint showing, or dirty up the white.

How come it has red headlights?


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But if somehow my skiff goes down, I'll freeze to death before I drown.

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I was going for the Blacked out with an amber slit a shot to see how it would turn out. Just a twist....The complete whitewashing of the wheelwells espicially was a suggestion I had received.....It would really be no problem to change it if the coloring stands out too much. Like I said was just trying something new....crazy ol me.

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Looks pretty cool, I don't think you were going for the whitewash effect otherwise the snow would've been alot lighter. Looks like the dang thing just drove through a snow mound smile.gif. I like the wheels, looks like it's been going through some deep snow as well. The only thing that I dislike is the red lights, I don't know if they were used during the war or not but it sure does make the tank stick out (I would presume). Other than the lights, the TD is mahvelous, keep up the great work Schulz!



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Ok Done as soon as I get home from another 12 hour shift here at the fire station i will Immidiately 86 the red lights....white light here we come. See what happens when you think crazy thoughts wooo hooo. I bow to the mighty Duo....I personnally like a ton of snow ....I will post a top down pic here when I get home to show even the inside of the turret recevied piled snow. These bad boys didn't get stored in garages.....though that's where I keep mine...lol....pic it apart if you would like.....that which does not kill me makes me stronger unless it's a shot in the nuts then I'd rather just Die lol......laters...


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I like it. I even liked the red lights but I guess that will change so I'll download it right now become you change it. As far as too much snow, that's also the way I like my vehicles. Oh well. Really looks good, no actually I'd say great. Man, you should do more. Don't let no damn job keep you from your hobbies. As far as the patches you're going to make - cool. I personally like patches, stars, crosses, etc. I just think it adds to the game appearances and fun.. In real life I probably wouldn't but hey it's a game. Great looking Hellcat. Thank you!!!

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After my last reply I went to download it before you changed the red lights, but where is it. Please don't tell me it's one of those email things. Can I download it from somewhere? Hope so, I use Hellcats alot and really wanted this one. Would appreciate you letting me know as soon as you get some sleep. Can't believe you are thinking about sleep at a time like this, HA! HA! Enjoy.

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